Green Grotto V: now 5x more pretentious!

You can always go slower.

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Iā€™m having more problems with people driving in the middle of the road.


I did slow a bit when the traffic ahead slowed. Then I slowed more hoping sheā€™d back off. But then I was putting too much room ahead of me. I had about 3 car lengths at 70mph. No room to get over to the middle lane. She didnā€™t back off. I brake checked her. She got out her phone and took a pic. To do what with? Show everyone how close she was to me and that she was using her phone while driving? Got into the middle lane, which was wide open ahead of me. She passed me before I was able to get all the way in the middle lane. She got a nice picture of a bird too. Ended up getting back into the left lane and tailgated someone else as I passed her on the right. I was back up to 70. She stayed there for miles and eventually passed me again.


Youā€™re in Ohio, right? Iā€™m going to make an egregious, over-generalization but why do people from Ohio always ride the left lane? I run into this every time Iā€™m on the PA turnpike and occasionally on the highway.

We actually have a law in PA that you should only be in the left lane if you are passing, otherwise you are to be in the right lane. ā€œPass Left, Keep Rightā€ If youā€™re caught riding in the left lane for so long you can get pulled over and fined.

If youā€™re not passing or exiting on the left side, just move over and stay over there. Yes, youā€™re going 70 but that doesnā€™t mean traffic behind you isnā€™t moving faster. Itā€™s safer for you to move over and let them pass you on the left than it is for them to pass you on the right.

I donā€™t agree with the phone/pic (youā€™re driving, after all) but the brake check isnā€™t kosher either. Iā€™ve heard of stories where people who brake check are blamed for accidents because you intentionally did something that caused the accident, regardless of whether or not the person was following too close. If thereā€™s no reason for you to brake that hard/unexpectedly then you caused the accident.

shrugs I just want everyone out of my way :stuck_out_tongue:

No idea. Pisses me off.

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We have some signs, but I donā€™t believe it is enforced.

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I know

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Just be safe when drivingā€¦tip #1: Remember, when flipping someone off, always use the hand thatā€™s NOT holding the cell phone. :grinning:



Bleh. Itā€™s not safe on the roads today.

So Iā€™m 5th in line during the one lane road construction parade. Cars behind me as far as I can see. Speed set at 55. The parade leader keeps showing down and braking.

At first I though ā€œsure, tailgaters are probably bothering themā€. Fifth time I started tuning up my horn. Eighth I just wanted to live so I could throat punch someone. Eventually weā€™re back to two lanes.

Can they move over? Yes. Do they? No. Did they speed up? No. Do we all pass them on the right? Yes.

Did I join moles ā€œitā€™s been 0 days since I showed someone my favorite fingerā€ club? Yes.

FYI - they had Pennsylvania plates.

If youā€™re afraid to drive on the interstate, donā€™t drive on the interstate. I donā€™t think they were brake checking. I think they were stupid.


This is a PSA from me.


We have the same law. Itā€™s only enforced if you get in a trooperā€™s way.

Maybe she thought the back of your head was cute.

Let it go. Just keep your own butt safe. If she drives like that itā€™ll be her in the ditch.

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Mom will be moved to ā€œourā€ side of the mountain tomorrowā€¦by me and Bridezilla. They said she was not eligible for stretcher transport, so we have to do it. Iā€™m scared. Itā€™s an hour trip, or a little more.

I called 2 places that transport patients. One did not work in the area sheā€™s at, the other was $200 and couldnā€™t do it tomorrow.

Her doctor said sheā€™s improving daily, but all I can see is the confusion. She says she tried to call me all afternoon. Iā€™ve told her numerous times she canā€™t make long distance calls on her room phone, and to get the aids to help her use her cell phone. She canā€™t remember.

Sheā€™s getting wacky at night, dreaming stuff, thinking Iā€™m there. Iā€™m so scared. What if this is the beginnings of her dementia?

Bridezilla is on her way to my house so we can work on Medicaid paperwork. I just want to sit in a chair and cry.


Iā€™m not saying it is, but possibly some of the nighttime stuff and maybe even some of the confusion is because of a medication. My mother swore she was in a hospital that had been torn down 30 years ago. An aunt was terrified at night because her husband was standing in the corner, but heā€™d been dead for years.


This is so hard and scary. Itā€™s a lot. Sheā€™s gone through a lot and I think sheā€™s in for a slow road to recovery. Sheā€™s doing great though. Sheā€™s improving but itā€™s hard with her being in a place she doesnā€™t know with people taking care of her she doesnā€™t know. Plus sheā€™s probably on some very strong meds. Brain injures are tricky. I have faith she will improve even more, but itā€™s going to take time.

Donā€™t let it get you down. Itā€™s still early. It probably doesnā€™t feel like it, but youā€™re getting there. Itā€™ll get better.

Youā€™ll do fine on the drive. Make sure you have help getting her in the car then take your time and relax
Sheā€™ll do OK. Then get help getting her out.

Iā€™m sending good vibes and happy thoughts your way.


And itā€™ll do her good to get outside. Some fresh air and (hopefully) sunshine is great for the spirits.


Had a visitor this morningā€¦


Ok take a deep breath, I have been in your shoes buddy, but we are strong women. First, transporting your Mom by car probably wonā€™t be so badā€¦just take it slow getting her into the car, bring a pillow and light blanket with you to keep her comfy. The reason she isnā€™t eligible for transport is because she can walk with a walker. The tables have turned and you are the adult now. It sucks, but take it a day at a time. Your mom had a brain injury and it takes a long time to recover from that. Even if this is the best it gets, she is where she is supposed to be, under 24 hr. care that you canā€™t give her. At least she is getting closer to home which will make it a bit easier on you. Make sure you label everything she owns in Sharpie marker, because theft is a big issue in those places.
Remember, you have big Green out here on your side. It seems like several of the Greens are going through this at once. Donā€™t be afraid to lean on those of us who have the battle scar. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wellā€¦ Iā€™m feeling much much better.
Allergies plugged me up & I was gonna explodeā€¦
Also 100+ feverā€¦
Took a pill & went to bed.
Almost healed in the morning! YAY

ā€¦it may have been the mesquite Iā€™ve used for smoking steaks a few times. The other times I used it, I plugged up a little bit. These pellets are 100% pure mesquite & I messed with them quite a lot to light them.
I did discover a GREAT way to cook our steaks now though. Iā€™ll use hickory next time.
I light a ā€˜smoke tubeā€™ in the cool BBQ, put the cold steaks directly over smoke for 1/2 hr. By then the steaks are to room temp, I pull them off & heat the grill to 600+.
Then I leave the grill on high, slap the steaks on for 5 min, turn them, 3 minutes the other side. YUM. We used 1 1/2" thick prime rib steaks from Costco for this.


Argā€¦ Youā€™re doing great! Have someone in the back seat with her, point out things & try to hold her interest for the trip?
Praying for your mom to be safe and to keep improvingā€¦