If you had an extra $1k in cash, what would you do with it?
Go to a diner. Bank the rest.
That’s enough to buy tickets to all 41 San Jose Sharks home games next season…or buy a ticket to one game, pay for parking, and buy a beer.
Really tough question today
Savings here I come!
Pretend I won the March Giveaway, and spend $100 every month for 10 months (instead of 12 months).
I could do this for almost three years!
Either that or just waste spend it on catshirts.
Well, the “extra” part would be dropped, and it would become regular $1k. Because life finds a way of needing the $1k.
I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities…
I wouuuullllldddddddddddddd totally buy a fancy espresso machine. assuming it really was ‘extra’, as in no debt and all my stuff paid and my kids fed.
A little new boot goofin
And probably go down to San Diego and go on a whale watching tour and try to see the Orca before they leave
Super random I know!
Orcas scare me.
You guys take cash??
Woot is giving us $1000? Fantastic!
I’d put it in the bank to ensure I have the money to move when my lease is up
Make it $2000 and you’ve got yourself a deal woot. Papa needs a new tv.
I would put it towards my thesis work. Getting large format prints is expensive.