Just this once

Agreed. This site is becoming CatWoot more and more by the day. There are far more creative and inventive designs every week, but the obsessive cat people seem to be much more adamant on voting in the derby than the average person is. I eagerly anticipate the new themes every week just to see what unique designs have been dropped in the hat, and every week delivers a surplus of generic cat shirts that are nothing more than “cute.”

I like the style of the design, but it is still just another cat shirt.

So you’re ok with the mouse holding the umbrella that weighs a gazillion times more than him but not that he opened the umbrella.


Oh, that backstory is TOPS! I wonder which one is male… (Or could it be? Heh, heh, heh.)

That is awesome. But needs more catbus.

This has got to be one of the most awesome photos I’ve ever seen.

Um, 2 of the 3 printed shirts in this derby were more artistic than cute.

Yeah that completely throws me. Weird Mutant cat.

Even when you break down what wins people still complain that there aren’t enough artistic ones.

bounty42 broke down the last 5 derbies Here showing that art beats anything in the top 9 at least 3 to 1.

bahahahahahahahaha that description!!! And we’re used to that kind of behavior in the Navy xD! Priceless. Thanks for the laugh, woot!


I have learned that facts don’t mean anything to people who just love to complain.

I know that, in this derby, we had two “artistic” prints and this one. Here’s a thought: Maybe people complain about the generic cute animal winning all the time because they ALL look pretty much the SAME. Especially when they’re from the same artist. So, while in reality, there’s more “other” prints, it just seems like cute animals are ruling Woot.

I’m sure it’s not a mistake - RamyB takes artistic freedom and chooses to leave out stuff all the time.

The writeup is awesome. It really elevates the level of the shirt. Unfortunately, you’d have to have read the writeup to get it.

The cat is probably friends with Ramy’s turtle with the missing section of it’s foot and the easel that’s also missing a leg

Sorry, I gave up and went to bed when I couldn’t buy the shirt. I wait up until 1am my time to see the shirts. I use FireFox. It just kept timing out after I selected the size and clicked purchase. I just took it as a sign that I should save my $12.00.

Even the “artsy” stuff that wins these days is mostly overdone and repetitive. Both the glowy heart and swirly butterfly prints could have easily been Ramyb ideas. Which means they look plenty like things Woot has printed before and aren’t exactly new ideas.

People complain about the chibi animals more because they are all so nearly identical and it’s the easiest to notice.

Of the top 6 only Rasabi’s ghosty tree is anything near an interesting original work. The kind of memorable design people would be pining for years from now if it printed and they missed it.

Missed the cute but sad cat, TARDIS, or swirly side print shirt? Don’t worry, another one just like it will be along shortly!

oh, please, stop the cutesy kitties, bunnies and penguins already. woot t-shirts used to be cool and creative. what’s happened here?

Same by me, using Opera. Buying Shirts here for 2 Years now. This is the first one i want and won’t get.

Maybe a localization issue? I’m from Germany.

I’m in NY, USA. So, I don’t know what happened. First time I’ve had an issue buying a shirt. Oh well, maybe I’ll just buy another side-sale kitty shirt instead.

Disappointed by this shirt. Don’t think it is very interesting or even well done. I used to love checking the shirt of the day but seeing the same stuff day after day gets boring quickly. Just don’t see how this shirt got so many votes. Not even very good artwork in my opinion.