K-Y Yours & Mine Date Night Pack

Bow chicka Wow Wow


What a slick deal!

“TELLingson” is right on.

In for three!!!

my date nights usually consist of wine, but i suppose i could try lube instead.

Ha, funny


Thank gawd it’s not a refurb!


I’ll wait for the ‘Mine and Mine’ pack

Great gift for Dads & Grads!

Stock up now…

This really needs to be on pr0n.Woot.

This. Is. Awesome!!

I’m just glad the Condition wasn’t listed as Refurbished.


I just had to get this, not only for the obvious, but to commeriate the thing I’d never expect to EVER be on woot! wow haha

Seriously Woot? You put up frakking placemats and vacuums on home.woot, and now KY?!

Another home brew kit?

I bought 2, simply for the $10 off movie tickets. I swear :confused:

The wife just gave me the go ahead if we are ever having sex again. I’m going to pass. That’s how you make decisions!