LG 1080p Upscaling DVD Player

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LG 1080p Upscaling DVD Player
$29.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

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lol nice timing.

If anyone wants to know what DVD Upscaling is

No blue ray?

A “fine” piece of equipment here.



No DivX?? meh…

Nice another DVD player. Good thing blu rays are obsolete.

schweet! Buy, 3 y’all!

Wait… hold on. It comes with batteries??

If only it weren’t 7 feet long (or maybe that’s just the angle it was shot at…)

Mixed reviews. i guess you get what you pay for!


You want a non-functional remote control? Don’t install 'em.

Why oh why would there be a woot-off 2 days before my paycheck which includes my 4th quarter bonus?!?!?!


Lack of blue ray pretty much kills it for me. Nice price point, tho.

Ah, upscaling. The new name on what used to be HD DVD player before bluerays squashed them. Companys have been desperately trying to sell them ever since, I’m actually surprised they’re still going for that much.

Claims it’s 8.5 inches, but you’re right it looks way larger.

Funny how Lucky Goldstar (synonymous with CRAP in the 90’s) rebranded themselves as ‘LG’ and people think they don’t still suck…

Not sure on the valuation…without Blu-Ray, you might as well plug it up to a tube tv.