Malibu Solar LED Landscape Lights – 8 Pack

You could get 24 of these and charge them in the day and bring them in to light your house at night. Should be good enough for getting around. Think of the savings.

Missed these during the woot-off so thanks for saving a few for this site.

No, they are not as bright as the ones that have electrical cords, but they don’t run up your electric bill either.

Don’t forget to use the TAXSUCKS code if you live in Texas and purchase $45 or more. I just bought three so didn’t have to pay tax. Good luck!

Good cheap landscape lighting. Plus, it’s a great price just for the 8 solar rechargable batteries and panels.

just bought 1 :slight_smile: Come on baby light my walkway!

Remember that these need lots of direct sunlight to charge properly. The NiCads they come with are cheap and low-capacity, but you can swap in high-capacity NiMH AA batteries so they’ll run all night, given enough sun. Discarded NiCads are legally considered toxic waste (and they really are), because of the cadmium in them, so recycle them or put them in a toxic waste collection when they die.

I’m kinda “meh” about this, doubtful of the quality, but they are cheap enough, and we’re dreaming of some landscaping mods and these could be nice to have around for ambient lighting effects… Anyway, in for 3.

tesla33, thanks for the tip on putting in better batteries; will try that when the originals die (and I recycle them :slight_smile: )

-Martin <><

Well in for 3 now have to figure out where im gonna put them.

What??! Sold out?!

Woot, contact me! I vow to purchase a set if you have one left! Don’t give them away to some ungrateful bag of crap purchaser while I’m stuck here willing to pay a proper gentleman’s price for them!

Junk. Great idea poorly executed. Flimsy plastic, won’t take any kind of abuse (bet you bust at least one just getting them in the ground) or inclement weather (wind), charge doesn’t last long after dusk with the crap battery provided.

I’ve got a pile of these sitting, not even worth putting in a decent battery to try and get a longer run time.

Wow, how did these sell out so fast? I have 16 of these same ones already. Would have been nice to have some more.

No, not very bright at all, but they do look nice in the yard, and they will outline a path or walkway. I think I already have 5 packs of various brands. These are still fine at less than $2 per light – but I missed out, I would have picked up 3 packs.

Is the write-up a rerun? Because Princess Di died at the end of August.

That’s what I was thinking - we’ve used clearance yard lights in the past… Swap out the battery for better quality as mentioned elsewhere, and you have a nice nightlight for a kid’s room.

wow great deal, great product, missed the deal, boo to me

I missed getting these, but the dumbas kids in my neighborhood would probably steal them anyway. Some 14 year old thought it would be funny to kick in my neighbors door the other day.

Good Deal to bad they sold out, I would have got it.

Shipping Update

Malibu Solar LED Landscape Lights have completely shipped out. All tracking will be emailed tomorrow morning to members who purchased this item. If you would like to find your tracking information sooner, please click the following link and use your ORDER NUMBER as the reference number.


I have not received tracking information for my order - nor does my order number work as a reference for tracking.

edit: nevermind. Did it the old-fashioned way and clicked the “My Account” link. Who woulda-thunk-it held all the info I needed.

Got mine today. Not impressed. These have got to be the cheapest built lights on the market. The solar cells aren’t glued in or sealed. PCB isn’t coated. Rain will destroy them quickly. The plastic used will bake and turn brittle in the Florida sun, doubt they will last one summer out of the box. Fortunately, I had other plans, and was going to use the parts. The solar panels have copper traces, easy to solder to, and no glue or sealer is really kind of a bonus this time. Not bad for the price, well bad for those who planned on putting the right on the lawn.

I got mine today, The worst 25% I have ever spent :(((( very poor quality. I hope I can return them to WOOT!!!