Mens 4PK L/S Moisture Wicking Shirt

Mens 4PK L/S Moisture Wicking Shirt

Galaxy by Harvic. These up on opening kinda smelled, some offgassing. After washing, they are much better. Pretty comfortable and loose fitting for workouts in colder gyms as well as gardening. Good value at this price.


I ordered these the last time they were on sale (Mens medium). If you’re looking for something more like a form-fitting base layer, get a size smaller or just pass on these. Either the shirt was made to be baggy or I need to gain 40 lbs. :roll_eyes:

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So, I bought some moisture wicking shirts last year from woot. I liked the way they looked and fit but, any little thing that touched it resulted in a pull or a snag. The zippers inside my motorcycle jacket resulted in at least a dozen snags after just one ride. Are these any better? For the record, woot! DID refund my money but I just want something to wear under my jacket. It gets a little warm in there.


40 lb?? So, they run just a tad bit large? :grin:

You know…the exact same product is pulling double duty as a prime day special for women. :roll_eyes: I already knew every size was too big for me…but I’m a nerd with a new data type, so that binary assessment no longer feels satisfying. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Now I feel compelled to know:
If men’s medium = women’s medium => how many pounds would I need to gain?? :woman_shrugging:t3:

Morbid curiosity may have officially been piqued, but I fear peak disappointment will forever remain elusive…:cry:

PS I’m just joking. (Mostly. :wink:)

@latentbiologist @clanecks @limarick
Thx for sharing valuable first-hand feedback. :upside_down_face:


Great there are only sizes for NFL Linemen.

IMO/IME, these run a bit on the small - for me anyway.

I usually buy 2XL or 3XL if I can find 3XL.

I ordered 2XL in these, and usually that size works for me, sometimes not.

I am 6’6" 275#, so yes, I am a big guy - so not surprising that 2XL might be smallish for me, and they were; sleeves are shortish and torso is form fitting (ish), neck on one shirt is too tight, ok on another.


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Hi there. Sorry for the fit. Make sure you reach out to Woot! Customer Service. To speed things up, let them know if you prefer a return/refund or a replacement (if possible).

Please allow 24-48h for them to respond.

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Woot! App: Choose Account from the bottom navigation and then Support.

Self-Return: Items without Li-Ion batteries can be self-returned within 30 days. Go to your Order Details to get started. The return label will be emailed from UPS.

Note: Woot! Customer Service replies go to the email address on your Woot! account, not your Amazon login email if used/different.