Microsoft Windows 10 Home or Pro (Your Choice)

Microsoft Windows 10 Home or Pro (Your Choice)

Posting to share my experience since I’ve seen people reporting issues with some of these in the past.

I ordered a code and it activated on my pc without issues. Code came about 14 hours after the order was placed.

I ordered a second for another pc, and I’m hoping that it goes as smoothly as the first one.

I bought this, tried entering it, and it said the code has been used before.

It says “32 OR 64 bit” i guess the company chooses. I ordered this for a 64 bit system and it loaded 32 bit. I have comtacted “Custimer Service” through email, but th responses are from a bot, so no help. Good luck.

No. YOU decide. Assuming you get a valid key in the first place (lots of complaints from past sales here on Woot of getting invalid codes), the key works for either 32-bit or 64-bit. If you’re installing Windows 10 from scratch, there should have been an option to select 32 or 64 bit. However, if you’re upgrading over an older Windows 7 or Windows 8, then it will automatically install the same “bit” version of Win 10 as the previous Windows 7 or 8 version. Or if you’re upgrading from Win 10 Home to Pro, and Home was 32-bit, then it’ll stay 32-bit. (But you can always wipe the hard drive and reinstall Windows 10 from scratch and then be sure to install the 64-bit version.

Also note, Windows 11 does NOT have a 32-bit version. If you upgrade from Windows 10, and your Windows 10 is 32-bit, it will install Windows 11 64-bit.


Note that Windows 10 official end of life is October 2025, so about a year and half from now. Upgrading to Windows 11 is free though, again assuming you actually get a valid Windows 10 code.

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Did you follow the linked instructions for installation?

I am going to take another short this wekend. Thank you clhug for your help. Ill try backing up ( hope i get it all HA) and try a frea sh install.