Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 Pro (Your Choice)

No it’s not. There are registry edits which allows the checks to be bypassed, though you’re on your own with this one.

(Note that I am not staff. I just volunteer to help out on the forums.)


So I could upgrade the PC which is running 95?


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That’s not a no

Check your codes. My update from Win 11 home to pro did not work and have contacted customer service 3 times so far and no valid response yet. One response sent me a link to download Win 11 ( a link that didn’t work plus something I don’t need to do since I already have a valid Win 11 HOME running on the machine). Also, the instructions look like they are for an OFFICE install, not a Win 11 Pro install. I would rather spend the extra money and get a valid code and not need to deal with someone sending me the incorrect code. CHECK YOUR CODE, DON’T WAIT, IT MAY NOT WORK!

Please allow them 24-48h to respond.

I completely understand allowing them time to respond. I spoke on the phone first, they couldn’t do anything so I sent an email. I received a response to that email, but it did not solve my issue and didn’t seem like it was even written for my issue ( telling me to install something I don’t need to install, sending a link that does not work). I have no issue at all waiting for the issue to be fixed, but it looks like I have a bad code and anyone who orders this and doesn’t test it will be out of luck after XX days or if they need a quick upgrade, it will take days to work out why the incorrect code was sent. I have purchased this in the past and did wait over 90 days and it did work. I’m glad I didn’t wait this time.

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I purchased the Windows 11 Pro and the Office 2021 Pro(turned out to be Pro Plus, no clue what the difference is). I got really worried after reading some of these comments. But I just got both of them activated. Took me a while to figure out the right avenue to install the Office, as there are several different ways listed when you search online for help. But working great!


Also bought and key didn’t work. Called and they said too bad you can only exchange (for likely another fake code).

Same problem - the code doesn’t work. The directed reinstallation left me with a newly installed version of what I already had with the same license key. Previous request for help yielded an Office download, not a Windows upgrade.

Have emailed again. Would prefer a refund at this point.

Adding my voice here - my windows 10 pro key won’t activate and Microsoft Support is showing it as pirated. Woot sure has fallen from what it used to be.

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Woot! is just a marketplace that sources from vendors. These aren’t they’re software keys. And as much as anyone tries, bad products sometimes slip through. There are tons of examples of this all over Amazon even (fake SD cards, bogus pizza ovens, etc). You wouldn’t hate the mail carrier for delivering the foreclosure letter from your bank :wink:

Yes I have the same issue. Woot is basically selling illegitimate keys according to MS. Per Microsoft they sold me an 8.1 pro key that has its activations used up as a windows 11 pro key. Woot “apologized” and said they didn’t mean for this to happen but they can’t do anything about it. Pretty worthless customer service and not what I expect from an Amazon company.

This was my first purchase via Amazon Woot and pretty much was a mistake. I would advise people do not use Woot.

Amazes me that Amazon allows a company they own to scam their customers.


It’s sad, I purchased a bunch of keys, none of them work. It’s coming up on 60 days and Woot is completey ignoring my emails. 2K gone, boss doesn’t want to do a charge back as we run the risk of getting our Amazon account locked since we used Amazon pay.

I have sent countless emails to Woot customer service, not one single key worked. We will absolutley never do business with them again. It’s literally unbelievale.

Hi there. I see where CS replied to you on 9/22 and resolved the issues that you mentioned at that time.

Hello, the issue has not been resolved, they refunded a partial amout and then refused to answer any more of my emails. We purchashed 30 keys and got refunded for 5 I think, yet none of the keys work. So no, I don’t belive we can consider this resolved.

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Receive this below response from you, how am I even supposed to respond, it’s coming from a no-reply. The keys don’t work becuase they were flagged by Microsoft as pirated and I provided a case number to prove it.

Dear WooterXXXXXXX,

Hello there, I see you have been having some issues with your recent purchase. I have looked into this issue for you, and it looks like the codes have been redeemed. Unfortunately, we are unable to issue any refunds for download codes that have already been redeemed. If you have any that have not yet been redeemed, please provide those to us, and we will look into getting you additional refunds. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any further questions, please let us know! Thank you. -DJ


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I bought a 11 Pro code from Woot in February and went to activate it a couple days ago but kept getting activation errors and the watermark. I contacted Microsoft support and, like many others in this thread, they reported that it was an expired 8.1 key. I’ve contacted Woot support about it and referenced the ticket with Microsoft. I’m not expecting much but I’m hopeful.

Sell the product you advertise, Woot.

Hi there. Please reach out to customer service.

bummer - I just built a new computer and tried to use my code. fail. i have reached out to customer support - fingers crossed.