Milano Collection 5x8 Persian Style Rug

We have persian rugs in the house. I can tell you that the Roomba will get caught on the edge of the rug if your roomba has the 6 bladed sweeper. But it will generally just back out, turn a bit, and go up on the rug from another angle.

Roomba compatibility: 60%

Can this fly above the iCloud?

This will look great in your room in your parents’ basement.

I wonder how long this one will last. contemplates going get a jog in or taking a shower. Hmmm… Back to school work

Lol. Nice, Dude.

noones gonna buy this…

Lots of color combos which might mean the longesting selling item ever during a woot! off

“Which SColor?”

What’s a “SColor?”

I don’t know about you guys, but my rugs are on their “party side” all the time.

Because my rugs party like that.

I agree, we’re doing some remodeling however need a larger rug and with some blue.


That is the very reason that keeps me from buying new rugs or carpet. Stupid cat feels the need to pee, poop or barf over it all.

As great as that comment is I somehow don’t see it being linked to from the item page.

Well, you don’t know what
We can find
Why don’t you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride

These are actually pretty decent Persian rugs.

Not really my speed, though. We’re a bit more minimalist.

Again, not a jet ski!

Does it blend?

Did anyone else notice this has a $1,245 original price tag on them? No wonder the company had issues with sales. Nice rugs, but not that nice…

I prefer my rugs to have to comfort and feel of alpaca.

I was hoping this would be the t-shirt sale again… I didn’t realize it was good for Hallowoot stuff until it was too late!