Milano Collection 5x8 Persian Style Rug

Bathroom break…

Hey, I’ve got a beverage here!

That rug really tied the room together.

A RUG…what a burn!

I think these were $300 last time they were on woot!

There’s a Whole Lotta Rug…

More than that! Someone must have given them these for free, based on how much warehouse space they would take up, and eating it on shipping on top of that!

Product review video:

We got one of these, couldn’t get our Persian cat off of it…

Chinaman? dude, the preferred nomenclature is Asian American…Please

(only because you beat me to it haha)

I’ve already got a rug. I call it my dog. He just lies around all day.

My Dyson would eat that for lunch.

There’s always “not Win 7?”

The Chinaman peed on the rug. PEED on it. Also, Dude, the Chinaman is not the issue here.

Love dark rugs - it hides the dirt

I used to work in and out of Romania. I can dream of my translators while I’m lying on them…

Does it scream when you throw it?

I’ll take the blue one for 400 zorkmids.

I had one of these carpets, lucky it absorbed the stains left by lets just say a… bad encounter.

It rolls up very well and fits in the back of a older model cadillac… It’s long and wide enough to pretty much cover any extremities that might fall out during transport to the local river too…

I’d use this rug for a magic carpet ride.