What’s an OMG?
It’s an Outrageous Mystery Goody. We take something and make it cheap, but don’t really tell you what it is. Why? We have our reasons. But they are good ones.
How do I know what they are?
READ THE FEATURES AND SPECS on each offer page to get clues as to what they might be, and if you’re feeling adventurous, hit that buy button!
The fine print:
- Items are NOT eligible for returns (defect exceptions apply).
- There is just ONE of these items in the box.
- There will be only that one item in the box and nothing more.
- We will sell a different item in each of the sales.
- Everyone gets the same item from that particular sale.
Things to know:
OMG sales are popular. There will probably be a ton of people trying to buy the item - way more than the inventory we have. Expect there to be some ordering and payment problems, like:
- Canceled means we ran out after we processed your payment. We have to cancel to refund the order.
- Denied means that we ran out before we could process your order. We deny the order to reverse the process.
When and where do I find it?
Right here! On Wednesday, April 3rd, we’ll release 6 OMGs between 1-3pm CT. Good luck and happy sleuthing!