Oreck XL Professional Air Purifier

<----:Asthma:---- had one of these, they work. Kind of noisy, but they work wonders for pulling dust out of the air.

I am guessing that this was not a split decision on Oreck’s part. After Katrina, Oreck bent over backwards to help their employees. They even mapped out addresses and tried to locate everyone. They had a toll free number for them to call and paid for housing and food for all of their employees that were left homeless.
I worked for a company that was helping Oreck during Katrina but I do not remember all of the particulars. I do recall that Oreck went WAY above and beyond what other companies did for their employees that were affected.

EDIT: http://www.backchannelmedia.com/newsletter/articles/2167

Re: Podcast “Something BIG”

Could this have something to do with Ken Jennings and his big head? lol



Image courtesy of woot! user GiantKenJenningsHead :slight_smile:

Howdy Capitalism, meet Upton Sinclair (The Jungle)…
“It was a monster devouring with a thousand mouths, trampling with a thousand hoofs; it was the Great Butcher–it was the spirit of Capitalism made flesh.”

And it’s name was Oreck.
Even if they stayed put, this particular air “purifier” has overwhelmingly bad reviews.
But please, make it your first Woot!

Fuggedboudit charcoal foam replacements for $30. Go to sears and get the charcoal prefilter for one of those big round Honeywell/Kenmore units. Sheet of charcoal foam as big as a t-shirt. cheap too, maybe $8- $12, cut with sissors into 12 pieces of 8 inches x 3 inches for this unit. I just saved you $300 in charcoal foam cost. Have a nice day, arrugh, and come back tomorrow.

As far as the big thing happening at Woot, I’m waiting for them to announce a regular online woot store, with products in inventory on an ongoing basis, etc. Though so far that might interfere with their huge wholesaling biz. I’ve bought “new” products from other stores online and seen Woot shipping labels before :slight_smile:

I just saw an Oreck ad in the paper form today in Louisville listing these for $184.99. SEEMS like a decent deal??

Consumer Reports gave these one of the worst ratings. According to Consumer Reports, these are bad at dust removal, smoke removal, and very loud!


RE Podcast: OOOOHHHH NOOOOO. I’m going to be away! I’ll miss it, and not knowing will eat at me! No woot, not that!

Consumer Reports gives black dots to the top of the line Orecks ($370) for dust and smoke removal. One red dot for noise level on low power. Overall ranking of poor.

my mom has honeywells throuout the house. i have a hand me down honeywell in the basement here. they just suck air through a cleanable HEPA filter… nice and basic and should be all anyone needs. they wont get rid of smells, but there isnt really any reason your house should smell bad unless you dont clean, in which case you probably dont give a rats ass about air filters :slight_smile:

refurb? I would barely consider it if the price WAS for 3…

Very problematic device. I bought two from the factory for over $500 a year or so ago, first one stopped working after 6 weeks, second one a month after that, Cheap chinese garbage. I wouldn’t spend $10 on another one. Didn’t really do anything but make noise anyway…Pass.

Damn. I wanted three air purifiers. But no, Im not getting one. I spent all my money on Ionic Breezes.:slight_smile:

Back when I was looking for air cleaners, the good thing to check out was the CADR rating (Clean Air Delivery Rate) - http://www.cadr.org/consumer/index.html . Good info on that site, I don’t see this woot on there.

Personally I have a different purifier… dust bothers the hell out of me, and some friends are allergic to cats. When I have that baby going, no problems all around. Picked the kenmore version of the sharp plasmacluster using info from CADR

ozone is bad for you, ever hear of ozone action days, very bad if you have breathing problems, go to mold site and they will explain

I bought 2 of these from TV ad and they both suck. the best thing that came with them was the vacume that I got for free. the smell of the air is different when you are around a good cleaner and there is not change with these and all they do is move the dust around. what they show on TV is a joke.

These air purifiers are junk:


Air Purifiers - no matter if it’s the cheap ones at Target or Sharper Image, or the high end ones - are all crap. Of course that’s from what a few people have told me who actually have owned one (for a short period of time before they returned it)

Is he for real?