Oreck XL Professional Air Purifier

Interesting reads:

>>>>>>>Judy of Jonesville, NC (04/23/06)
I purchased the Oreck air purifier and feel that I was really ripped off. I think this machine is a peice of junk. They lied, in their advertisement, saying you never have to buy filters. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

all air filters, unless they are hepa filters, are crap. i have several ionic breezes at my house and i belive these use a similar filtering system. not only does it not work very well, the ozone gives you cancer in the long run. be warned

ConsumerReports shows:
“NOT RECOMMENDED These were poor at cleaning, and some exceeded the UL ozone standard.
27 Oreck XL Professional Signature Air8S”

Research this stuff before buying. I’d definately pass.

Why does Oreck have some many Refurbished purifiers?

Check out this review for more info…Oreck not all its cracked up to be. http://www.air-purifiers-america.com/ed_oreck.asp

I have a slightly older model that has worked great for me. I think this is a fair price as they go for over $400 new and $250 refurb. I was in recently looking at them. They don’t do everything but it sure helps. I clean mine every couple of weeks and see all the stuff come off it. I also notice the lack of dust around my living room. They are noisy at high speed, I keep mine on sleep/quiet mode. Runs very quiet. I have not had any problems and they are very easy to clean. There is a small charcoal filter that needs to be changed now and again. Some seem to complain about this. I bought one for my bedroom now. To each his own I guess.

I’m not a professional but I do have a professional air about me. Will this work for me?

I am in the HVAC business and the only way to truly begin purifying the air in your home is to have a device installed into the air handler. UV cleansers can be installed around the evaporator coil to fight against mold growth in that particular section. There are also purifiers that emit natural oxidizing molecules through a catalytic process which are installed into the supply plenum just after the air handler. These molecules are picked up into the air stream and sent through the ducts and into the rooms of the home. As for dust, you just need to use a good quality filter, but no home is ever going to be dust-free. Devices like this and Ionic Breeze only cover a very small area. Hope this info helps!

well, it may only last a year… or a month… or a lifetime, but one things is for sure, it’s better to only pay 99.00 from woot than the smuck who paid 469.00 from oreck website.That is the price listed for this same model. Have a clean air day!

I have one of these. Great product. I paid over 200 bucks for mine from Oreck. Caveat: While they say no filter thats BS. There is a charcoal foam filter they never mention. This cost $29.95 for a 3 pack replacement. Still a good deal, but why obfuscate?

From Consumer reports, October 2005:

"Small ionizers come up short. Some of the most effective room air cleaners use electrostatic precipitators, which trap charged particles on oppositely charged plates or filters. Several small, quiet ionizing models such as those from Sharper Image and Oreck use the same basic technology, yet were far less effective.

Ads claim that Oreck’s XL Professional “cleans the air in your home of allergens, dust, and dirt” and include a Seal of Truth from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. But the Oreck performed as poorly as other small ionizing models. As we noted in May, the AAFA’s seal means little, since it is neither an endorsement nor a statement of clinical efficacy.

“Professional Noise Maker” and makes little or no difference in the air quality. I wasted a lot of money on 2 of these.

I own one of these, they are good but if you dont clean the filters regularly they begin to spark. and its VERY loud!!!

Funny thing about this air filter. The principle it works on is very legit. When you have an electonic air cleaner installed on your furnace - it’s the same thing, just much larger to have the capacity for an entire house.

The only real down side to these is the price new - it’s insane and a total ripoff of huge proportion. Years ago, I purchased what appears to be the same filter as a Kenmore from Sears… I recall paying $129 for it (on sale, years ago). At most, this thing new is worth $200, and the $100 reburp price is pretty much fair. Cheaper reburps can be had on FeeBay from private parties (IOW just plain used).

Keep in mind that the electrostatic filter needs more than just water rinsed over it. It needs to soak in a soapy solution to come clean. Also, the $30 filters are truly optional (just a charcoal filter) and buys 3. Minor point, just clearing up an oversight.

I am in for one to give it a try. The very similar Sears/Kenmore unit did a nice job back when I had it in a bedroom. PS - works better on low speed.

FYI - I think this website is awesome and I have nothing against it but I researched this product on the web and want to pass on the fact that it does produce OZONE which is not good for us or the environment.

Not the best but a good price.My dad had one.

Anyone know if this works with cigarette smoke ?

The “filter” is actually metal plates that can be removed and rinsed off with water.


These things are CRAP! I typically do not post even though I have been a woot memeber for quite a long time but in this case I had to make an exception.

We received 2 of the items from my mother-in-law as a X-mas present. One has already been back in the shop to be fixed and the other is on its way. They are totally worthless and really make no difference… I would prefer an ionic breeze model to this any day.

These were highly rated compared to the ionic breeze. Side note: The ionic breeze was considered totally useless and not only a waste of money but a waste of resources as well. It was a few issues back in Consumer Reports where they talked about how these overpriced pieces of crap were almost a scam since they worked so bad.