Panasonic High Definition Mobile Camcorder

Amazon reviews
Generally positive.

Hey! The EyeClops Mini Projector really does look a lot like Wall-E, doesn’t it?

Here is a video sample of the quality:

Oh, nice it comes with non-HD composite video cables. How freakin lame!

It’s no Wall-E, as shown in the link below

YouTube Review with sample

Bought one three weeks ago for $100+s&h… on the same Woot… sucker :frowning:

how many frames per second does it shoot at?

30 progressive.

Any idea how this does in low light? I need it for a dance recital.

It dances, too? Cool!

If you do lots of close up work or record shiny silver object, note that the gray model is best. The red and purple models WILL reflect colors on the subject; not cool depending on your purpose. I found this out while recording computer hardware replacement procedures - red-tinted chassis is confusing to the Field Service folks.

And to think if only I didn’t buy that OTHER Pocket Cam lol o well

Hey! The Panasonic High Definition Mobile Camcorder really doesn’t look a lot like Wall-E, it looks alot more like Hal 9000.

Can you get an UW case for this?

Motion sample test Video.

96/100 average alatest review. that’s really good.,21/

This review at pocket-lint says:

“On the plus side, the focus is consistently good with no obvious issues and the F/2.8 aperture lens means you can shoot quite comfortably at surprisingly low light levels. In heavy dusk you don’t quite get that same crisp look but it’s impressive enough to be getting anything at all. When all is completely dark, there is of course the option of the front light. It’s obviously useless for anything more than a metre or so away, but it does make the unshootable shootable in that low-end compact camera with built-in flash kind of way.”

That is followed by a video demo of a dark club.

Is it in a Cemetery?

Thanks! I think it’ll work for what I need it for. :slight_smile: