Peller Estates Canadian Icewine - 3 Pack

Peller Estates Canadian Icewine - 3 Pack
$74.99 + $5 shipping
1 2006 Cabernet Franc Icewine - 187 mL
1 2006 Riesling Icewine - 187 mL
1 Oak Aged Vidal Blanc Icewine - 187 mL
CT links above

Winery website

Argghhh! Curse you lack of Michigan in the list of states.

Wow! Is this the real stuff? I was just reading about this and how production is forced by some using freezers instead of Mother Nature. Producing a lesser quality product.

$125 dollaz on the winery website. Even more if you wanted to purchase just one bottle. Its a significant discount if nothing else.

I know icewine is pricey due to the risk, but I need some justification for prcies this high for 375s.

8 to 10 C = 46.4 to 50 F just in case you wanted to know.

I can assure you this is the real one! The only freezer involved in making these wines is Mother Nature’s own.

Hope you try one.

Merry Christmas

This may actually be 200 mL bottles. Even considdring that price point this is the real deal. Peller makes some great ice wine and is one of the wineries that holds down the Niagara region IMHO.

I’m just upset, anytime there’s a wine that I really WANT, my states not on the shipping list… Darn it Ohio!

Did the wine delivery list get smaller? MI and VA used to be on here.

I have been to this winery several times you won’t be disappointed at the quality of this ice wine. They pick it the old fashion way one grape at a time when the sugar is right and the grape is totally frozen. I am in for 3.

I think the Oak Aged may actually be

Actually they are 187s.

Cute bottles!

Oh, WD, you are totally not playing fair! Our first Niagara offering, icewine too, and at a killer price! One of my favourite wines was their 1998 Cab Franc Reserve.

OK, now to the meat of this - if you like dessert wine, this is for you. If you like Sauternes but sometimes the botrytis is a bit overwhelming, this is for you. If you like German eiswine but wish it was a little less raisiny, this is for you. If you like Scott’s Angel Ice, then this is also for you.

Crap have to buy…Love this Icewine!

One of the reasons ice wines (in general) are expensive is due to the yields. When we finally harvest our grapes, the yield is literally, one drop per berry. As a result, we make very little wine each vintage. The farming and production costs are, as a result, spread over very few cases. I hope this helps.

Yikes! That should probably be in the product description.

Where oh where do you see 375? Isn’t Woot always 750 unless otherwise stated. Smokin’ deal and in for three. Merry Christmas all! and thanks WD!