Pictures of You

Morning, fen. Where’s your pic?

I saw a star treck toy and if I had my camera with me I would have taken a pick.

Atlantis pics from front yard…

Very cool m.wise. Must be something to be able to see that, if even only from a distance.


It’s looking kindo not so well.

<snip picture>

It’s looking kindo not so well.

Your soil is too acidic.

Just a guess

Yeah, the pine cones are a hint.

The Purslane in our front flower bed.

It’s hard to get enough light, this is the best I can do, but the pick doesn’t do it justce.

Big picture

What is it? It has the electrical lines that start at the powerhouse, but that looks like some sort of farm thing (remember, I spent my whole life within 20 miles of NYC, I’m not good at farm stuff, except for cows.

We have a powerhouse near here that looks like the one on Pink Floyds Animals album

It’s part of a grain processing facility. The same with the silos that I posted. They are across the street from each other. One of these days I imagine they’ll tear them down in the name of progress. That’ll be a shame, because they are part of what helped get the city to where it is now.

Are my pictures to big?

Maybe a little bit.

OK, They are links now.

Just have image shack resize them when you upload them. I do it that way.

Agreed. Even lime won’t help that sucker.

So does that mean you will be ordering more?
