Politics is Broken - Prove Me Wrong [Unmoderated]

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Well, I saw the video her daughter made… she said , “ I am responsible for what happened on Jan 6”

She can’t back pedal what she said being filmed…

It seems to be a character trait of Nancy . Being a nauseating woman filled with lies, hate, and deceit. :woozy_face:

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And your point??? He’s not in office., who cares how he laughs child?

Go back to bed :sleeping_bed:… smh :woman_facepalming:

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Happy Election 2020 GIF by Joe Biden

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and? I don’t watch him and you don’t see me making excuses for him. :man_shrugging:t3:

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Donald Trump GIF by GIPHY News

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again… and your point is?

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I’m still not seeing how your posting videos of Trump has anything to do with my refusal to make excuses for Carlson, but… ok. Whatever.

Try using your WORDS, maybe?

Jack Black Middle Finger GIF

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Apparently words are a foreign concept. meh… I don’t read pictographs. You take care, now, ya hear?

See Ya Adele GIF by E!

Oh, I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’ve already told y’all. You’re stuck me me.

Love You Kiss GIF by Gerbert!

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Tired Over It GIF by GIPHY News

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-Joey B.

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xenophobe alert. not to mention sexist. Damn… You People are disgusting! What is it with you hating women?

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I mean… once you’re as far up his ass as you already are… might as well follow that sinking ship right to the bottom of the ocean.

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