Pro Cycle Trainer

This could take a while…

Will this help my become the next Lance Armstrong?

Where are the brakes on this thing?

Do I have to use steroids to be competitive on this thing?

Seems like a great deal. I have a LeMond Revmster. I wonder how it compares? The Revmaster retails for over $1000 though.

It’s great how it has so many adjustments, seat up and down, for and aft, handlebars up and down, for and aft.

How cool! A bike that starts here and never gets there. lol

There actually is a brake on it. Usually you press down on the resistance adjustment knob and the friction pad slows the flywheel.

Same? Same photos anyway… Amazon says the retail is $100 more? I don’t always trust that anyway…

Amazon: Body Max Body Champ Pro Cycle Trainer $346.71

Closeup of the console:

would love to get one like this, but where is the model number to look up stats?

it only works if you are currently doping

Found it!
In the Box:

(1) Body Flex Sports BF801 Pro Cycle Trainer

SiltLifted, you are truly clairvoyant. You answered the question before it was asked.

For what it’s worth, here is a Woot forum discussion on a different model no. sold in June - the last few posts may be insightful:

I bit… The wife wanted one. Hopefully it doesn’t suck…

I actually got a very good deal on a used LeMond Revmaster from a local fitness center. They were upgrading their fleet of bikes and sold them for $150.

Hrmm, got the thing yesterday, put it together today, and the flywheel is warped. Looks like it’s a factory QC issue and not something that happened in transit since the box arrived in good condition and there’s no scratches or damage on any other parts. Is that something Woot customer service can assist with or do I need to go direct with the company?

Yikes, sorry about the wonky wheel. Try contacting the company first. They will have replacement parts whereas we won’t.

As always though, if you encounter problems, feel free to contact Customer Service using the support form at the top of the page or email

Welp, their CS is easy to get a hold of and they’re extremely pleasant. Unfortunately, they’re not very helpful in regards to fixing manufacturer defects. I was told to just send this one back and get a replacement.

Just venting, I’ve already contacted Woot CS for a return and possible refund.