RadioShack Digital Photo Viewer

Chitty pic viewer? I thought thats why we had moniters

Chitty pic viewer? I thought thats why we had moniters. not to metion RADIOSHACK???

Nice idea, but I’ll pass.

niiiiice woot! :smiley:

looking like a good deal… sorta always wanted one of these things
[wooters get first dibs at these free electronics]

Where’s uncle Bert?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well I got this when RS had these on Clearance. First problem you can’t use a Compact Flash
that is a microdrive…it’s too big to fit in the CF slot. Also it can’t handle 8 Mega Pixel Pictures but handles 3.2 MP ones fine. Also it works only on AC.

Hey, could woot send me those babes in the next bag-o-crap?


Rat Shack?? What has Woot fallen to??

Can We get a Decent Woot Tomorrow??


could this be any slower? :evil:

Doode … I can’t wait to have yet another way to see what a bad photographer I am :?

Electronics are getting cheaper by the day!

Still, I don’t want to chuck a few dekadollars for this. I have other plans for them…

hmmm, considering. let’s see if it’s not sold out when i wake up

erm more crap…

I am fed up with crap… can we get neat cheap stuff?

ironically my local radio shack had its own “grab bag” (bag o crap) sale monday, $5 for a sealed bag of who knows what,. i could never resist the call of the mystery bag, so i ended up with a butt load of antennas, socket7 cpu fans/sinks and belt clips,…too bad i didnt get one of these…then i’d have to buy a digital cam too…

2nd Base!

:roll: [size=18:ea4d95bf17]Still waiting for a Notebook [/size:ea4d95bf17] :roll:

I am no longer a Woot! virgin!!!