Random Bag of Crap

What is the exact latitude and longitude of your position?


I don’t know. In my defense, I suspect many people are similarly ignorant.

What state are you in…
other than awake.

are you in a Wisconsin?


Is there more than one?

Are you in Wisconsin?

What time zone are you in?

Why do you ask Wisconsin in particular?

Fine, what timezone are you in?

are you alive?

Why not?

Why do you ask East in particular?

Define “alive,” please.

Why do you ask why I ask?

are you over 40?

Why do you ask why I ask why you ask?

You know why I ask what I ask.

Yes, I’m afraid it’s been a long, long time since I weighed 40 pounds.

“Let me axe you a question.”

Who are you?

How do you know if I know why you ask what you ask?