Roaring Brook Dairy Mozzarella Cheesemaking Kit

Roaring Brook Dairy Mozzarella Cheesemaking Kit
$14.99 + $5 shipping
PRODUCT: 1 Roaring Brook Dairy Mozzarella Cheesemaking Kit

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Nom nom nom! I am thinking roasted garlic and chipotle mozzarrella

Sunflower Market had a similar kit for 20 bucks, you can also get Junket Rennet Tablets, and use the recipe in the box.

Cheese Gromit, Cheese!

Also, if shirt.woot has taught me anything it’s that The Cheese is a Liederkranz

If you have amazon prime it is cheaper thru amazon…

This is $19.99 at Whole Foods.

Nice catch, especially for students who get 1 year free and at least the 2nd at half price.

For any vegetarians wanting to know the answer to the million dollar question: Yes, the rennet is plant derived so you too can have fun making cheese at home!

Video on how to make it

Pardon me for being picky, but actually it makes “fior di latte,” rather than “mozerella,” since you need water buffalo milk to make mozerella, and fior di latte is made from the cow’s milk we in the US have access to.

There IS a difference: fior di latte has a more delicate flavor than the product produced from the richer buffalo milk (which I’ve drank in India; it is a much richer milk).

But any way, I would be quite interested in making some of this. I’ll probably be in for one.

Pardon me for being picky, but “Mozzarella di Bufala” and “Mozzarella fior di latte” are just two different kinds of Mozzarella cheese, they differ in their ingredients (water buffalo milk, vs. cow’s milk) but it is correct to refer to either or both of them as “Mozzarella.”

The word “Mozzarella” comes from the Italian verb “mozzare” which means “to cut” and both di Bufala and fior di latte are made with the same spinning and cutting process (which you will learn all about if you buy this kit) from which the cheese gets its name. In theory, you could adapt the same procedure to a variety of animal milks and create a galaxy of Mozzarellas, since the name refers to the process rather than the ingredients.

Could you use goat milk with this kit? Or would that be sacrilege/gross?

Was thinking of this as a gift for someone with milk goats. But I’m not a cheese gourmand.

Yes it’s cheaper on Amazon for one kit, but not for three! One for me and great gifts for friends!

It’s $15.72 on Amazon if you choose the Subscribe & Save option (free shipping)

This should just be embarrassing for woot/amazon to publish. $18.50 with free shipping on Amazon, or $15.73 with “Subscribe and Save” through them, which I can cancel anytime. My family would like this and it’s on the Xmas gift list, but come on!

Oh yeah - living in Texas I can pay even more through Woot with sales tax (not a beef with them, but expounding on the lack of a deal).


Forgive ME for being picky, but everyone knows that the four door Latte is no longer produced. However, the Mini Cooper is a nice substitute!

Considering there’s goat milk mozzarella on sale at Amazon for $16 a pound…

I’ve made mozzarella without this kit (parts of a different kit). Tastes great when it comes out well, doesn’t always come out well. (I once ended up with something approximately the consistency of mozzarella that tasted like cream cheese)

Can anyone else who has done this sort of thing comment on where to get food-safe rubber gloves for handling the hot curds? I’ve looked all over and had no luck, and don’t want to buy this kit just for the gloves…