Samsung 45W USB-C Super Fast Charging Wall Charger

Samsung 45W USB-C Super Fast Charging Wall Charger

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! Pack!

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Id like a ! pack please

Are these 120-240V input like most Samsung chargers? One would think specs would include that.

The Samsung 45W Super charger is EPIC. When I’m in a hurry I put my phone on this charger and it charges to 100% in mere minutes. I also use a 5A cable with it to take advantage of the power and super fast charging. I purchased another one so I don’t have to keep carrying the one I purchased from Samsung for a lot more money w/o the cable.


Whoever throws these packages together include what appear to be the same USB-C cables that come with Samsung phones/tablets. They are NOT 5 amp cables; When using them, the charger tops off at around 25w charging on my Galaxy S23+.

If I use this charger with actual 5a USB-C cables, the wattage jumps up to around 40.

This might still be a decent deal, especially if you already have a 5a cable handy. Just know that you will need that better cable to get the 45w, Super Fast Charging 2.0 benefit.


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These are well worth it…no joke