:w_boc: Share your 2023 Craps Here!

I don’t know if they want me to post here, but I’m gonna anyways…lol. I won one of the mega-sized pallet of stuffs. And yes, they said ‘pallet of stuff’, but I was not expecting what arrived. Although the shipping info listing the weight at 511 lbs kinda gave a clue as to what was in store…

What arrived (at 7 am and 20 deg outside :cold_face:) was a 64 cubic foot Breakfast of Champions. A 4’x4’x’4’ box of Woot’s finest(ish) crap! It was freezing outside so I rearranged the garage so I could get the Breakfast inside. It felt like it was going to take a while to digest it all.

Unloading it from the truck…

First opening…see the rubber duck? It’s the tip of the iceberg :rubber_duckie: :flushed:

The full breakfast party, used paper towel included…
(the kids loved the signs and wanted to keep them up, the wife said no :frowning: )

I took some smaller group photos, but not everything is included in these. A few things have already been wrapped for gifts, the kids claimed a handful of things, and I kinda got tired of moving things around to take more pics lol.

The headliners…

Someone thought we needed bedding. 5 sets of sheets, duvet cover, two heated blankets, and four pillows in total.

Didn’t know I needed a Spaghetti Monster…until Woot sent two!

Did I mention the ducks? Threw the box of gloves in there for context of size

I almost didn’t enter, but glad I did. The size was completely unexpected and completely awesome. Thank you Woot! This was one of the coolest things ever!