I know my girlfriend would have be Extremely Happy if I made her these for breakfast in bed one day.
I would buy this if it had awesome face.
Unless there is bacon involved, it’s not a happy breakfast. No matter what your pancakes look like.
Now, adding bacon to a pancake to make a smile - totally okay.
this pancake mold is hardly representative of the way i feel when i ordinarily eat pancakes! maybe i can wear one as a mask from 7am through noon?
This pan + can of Spam = creepy, creepy breakfast meat.
Are you supposed to flip the pancakes over in this type of pan? It would seem one side wouldn’t get the smiley impression or get cooked properly on one side?
Oh man. That’s brilliant.
You are a disturbing individual.
I like it!
That’s the side that gets placed down on the plate.
My GF actually has one of these things, and it makes some decent pancakes (just takes a bit of getting used to having multiple little cakes on just one pan)
Now, if you just add some chocolate chips to the batter, then you’re ready for breakfast.
What a nice fun way to make pancakes less boring. Now I don’t have to make a smiley face using the maple syrup.
If anybody was wondering, these are made by Nordic Ware, and come in many different shapes and themes like this holiday one.
[QUOTE=CowboyDann, post:2, topic:344910]
I know my girlfriend would have a “Smiley Face” if I made her these for breakfast in bed one day.
That’s the least you could do after a disappointing night
Ive always had problems fliping the pancakes so maybe this will help and the fact that it makes funny faces is just a plus
I was worried about what to get my mom for mother’s day this year. Until I saw this. Perfect!
I have a similar pan with animal profiles and while it’s cute for my daughter it’s a total pain to flip the pancakes over. I’ve considered cooking the pancakes on one side and dumping the whole pan onto a normal flat griddle to cook the other side, but then that’s 2 dirty pans! So yea, the stencil cooks into the pancake but it’s a pain to flip them over.
[QUOTE=speedogirl2, post:7, topic:344910]
Are you supposed to flip the pancakes over in this type of pan? It would seem one side wouldn’t get the smiley impression or get cooked properly on one side?
I was thinking exactly the same thing. Guess you either “brown” one side only or you are extremely careful when you flip it to get it right back in the circle…
C’mon Woot… Tuesday 28Feb was Nat’l Pancake Day.
[QUOTE=kkessler, post:16, topic:344910]
I have a similar pan with animal profiles and while it’s cute for my daughter it’s a total pain to flip the pancakes over. I’ve considered cooking the pancakes on one side and dumping the whole pan onto a normal flat griddle to cook the other side, but then that’s 2 dirty pans! So yea, the stencil cooks into the pancake but it’s a pain to flip them over.
…I’m thinking I may use chopsticks to flip mine…
I’m tempted to nab one of these for the sheer joy that it would be to cook a happy face.
In fact, depending on how long of a day I had, it might be even more satisfying to just let them burn.