Smucker's, Strawberry Squeeze Bottle 4ct

Smucker's, Strawberry Squeeze Bottle 4ct


Exp. Date

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Hi there. These are being pulled from Amazon inventory so we don’t have information on them. Amazon is [usually] pretty good at removing expired inventory.

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Hope you have a great day TT


I guess they really missed the mark on this one because it expired last year February 6th


Mine show august

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I always get screwed. My shit shows up open broken and you know you can’t order anymore cuz it’s on sale and it’s sold out.


And go figure I was the one who asked about the expiration date. LOL that was a huge part of my job. So for when the state came in nothing was expired for inspections. Oh well.
And I bought a t-shirt last night and I didn’t get a coupon. Nothing’s ever easy .I’m laughing about it. If anyone reads this. I’m not bitching but like I said in some which way shape or form, nothing works out for me

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Did you reach out to CS?

Yes I did so we will see.

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But, does jelly really expire? Now I need squeeze peanut butter

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Squeeze peanut butter exists. Amazon has several different kinds, some for people and some for dogs.


If you expire after eating the jelly, the jelly is expired. Otherwise, it’s fine.


Well, there’s some jelly in the fridge that’s at least a few months old… still tastes fine. When it’s sealed it probably lasts a good while, but once it’s open it goes in the fridge.


It a different story if someone is choosing to buy or use a product that is expired, but spending $20 on a product that expired over a year ago. Not really thrilled about that one. But yes, all products that are opened are refrigerated and jelly does last a long time along with several condiments. I was going to split this batch with my neighbor and I can’t give her a product that’s expired.

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I agree, you should definitely be getting a replacement or refund. The price listed is for in date jelly, so getting out of date jelly would be overpaying for the product. I guess it’s kind of like buying a new car online and finding out it was a used car with 30,000 miles when it’s delivered.


Hi there. I see you were fully refunded this morning.

As noted above, these come from Amazon and they’re supposed to discard expired product. They’re not as good as doing that as they should be. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do from our end.