Storm Glass Weather Predictor

Storm Glass Weather Predictor

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How can there be no comments on this yet!? Have you all read the text on the pictures?

“Although it is still a mystery. Why should we taste the beauty? Why should not it be a pleasure?”

'm pretty sure that tasting the beauty in this case would be a visit to the hospital. Also…

“The appearance of the liquid purportedly predicts the weather, but most modern experiments have failed to confirm this.”

They tell you in the description that it probably doesn’t actually work. Finally, there’s Woot’s 90 day warranty. Does this cover if the item doesn’t work? LOL


People have used up all the good lines on the last 3-4 times it ran. LOL.


I’ve missed it being on sale before!? Link please! :innocent:


Eh. This would be redundant. My knees predict the weather better than most meteorologists.

Because this is such a serious scientific instrument capable of prognosticating weather that will happen minutes ahead of it actually happening.

All you need to do is determine the subtilities in the shapes of the little crystals in this miracle-ball and you’ll never need to look outside a window again!

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Equally capable ball

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