TT's Warehouse Deals - Starts 2/23/2024 [ENDED]

No, each floor was the new batch. Once a floor is launched, we don’t add to it. All items have been launched. There are no new items to be added.


Me too! (for mine)


Yes, stuff like that. Also there were a few events where we had to follow a path of links until getting to the final prize, which I really liked because it required some thought (e.g. a question would be like “find the most expensive product listed for sale right now”).

There are lots of very simple flash-style games online in which we could compete for high scores, too. Puzzle games and such.


Shotgun perhaps start a thread where you can present more of your ideas and others can add on.


I liked the fact that it started on the announced times for each floor.

I did notice on one item where the price seemed high, but later on I happened to recheck it and it had a lower price. I think this may have been an example of you having two different items or batches at different times. Fine with me though. I had backed away the first time, but jumped on some the second time.


This was my 1st time, and please don’t laugh too hard at me.

After reading the description, I thought it was only the item photos, reviews, and the Amazon suggested prices would be listed, without links to the products to purchase. I thought it was similar to the scavenger hunt where we had to shop the site to find them at really great prices.

Needless to say, I missed most of Floor 1 trying to spot the difference in price of the items I wanted on the site. I feel like an idiot for overthinking this, but Woot doesn’t normally make things this easy!


Awwww. Sorry. Holler if there’s something I can put in the top post that will help a new person next time.

  • I got a bunch of stuff that I can use.
  • I didn’t get a bunch of stuff I would’ve liked.
  • Nothing, first come first serve has always been the way.
  • Limiting the amount to one is nice so that us regular folk can get one and it isn’t stocking someone’s online store.

The Penguin blankets are so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Just thought I’d tell you :heavy_heart_exclamation:.:sunglasses::rofl:

  • Liked: Known start time. Price points were generally viable for “sure, I could use that” purchases. Charming forum banter.

  • Disliked: Timing of subsequent floors and total number of floors wasn’t clear at first (maybe just a me thing)? Scrolling on the app kept loading the same set of items, either repeating display or jumping up to the previous set (more of a general app thing tho, less of an event-specific problem).

  • What should change: It might be fun if there were more frequent, “smaller” floors? From other comments this might be an unfeasible change to workload for the Woot! teamfolks, so I get it if that’s not workable. I just thought more opportunities to look around if you missed a “floor” would be nice. I also saw some suggestions about puzzles and such to go finding things. That might be neat! I’d also enjoy a more eclectic smattering of items - stuff you’d be more likely to see in a local pawn shop than Walmart for e.g. mixed in with the practical stuff.

  • What should not change: Having separate waves, esp. if you missed a “floor”. Forums chitchat in between.


Well. I’m more than fashionably late to this party.

Missed out on the actually useful household crap. But my disappointment isn’t nearly as strong had I been waiting in line and not 10 hours too late :joy:


I love this event. I missed a few things but made up for it by scoring the spin mop. The prices on most things were awesome but some of the items I found on the mothership or walmart for cheaper. For instance, I thought about getting the Tupperware salt n pepper shaker, but Amazon had a 2 pack for 7.99.

Some of the mouthwash was average price.

Other examples I saw where the prices were kinda eh… there were 2 jumper cables. One was 13 something and another longer one was around 30. I wouldn’t have bought the 30 something one but 13 seemed like a good price. Similar situation with dumbells. 2x20lb was 27 and a 15lb was 13 which roughly makes it the same price as one of the 20lb weights. But there were some pretty awesome prices on some things. After scoring the spin mop at $17, I looked it up and found it around $50. Also the samsung fridge filters were roughly half the price as Samsung and the mothership. So another good score. All in all great event. Definitely would love to see it again!

  • what did you like - It just as it is.
  • what did you not like
  • what should we change
  • what should we not change - Keep it pure. It works well for some of us. If you mess it up with other concepts like making it tricky, it might attract the puzzle lovers, but it will chase away the ones that like it just as it is. It might still be OK with another floor or two, but even that would make it more hours or closer together.

I remembered this event two hours before it started yesterday and forgot about it for 24 hours. I’m extremely late to the party but I’ll see what’s left.


I vote to keep the event.
I agree with several others on adding some big ticket items. That would be cool

The variety of items was very good and the prices were great too. I buy $.01 items all the time and I was still impressed.

I think I got the Lava Pens ( if not canceled)

I’m no longer even trying to get a BOC
Too much anxiety sitting around waiting for hours. Personal opinion.


Received two of the items I scooped yesterday already so thanks for putting a cool event together and for the mothership getting product out so fast! Anxiously waiting for the BOC procured in the Wootoff

Waynes World 90S GIF


I have done that when I first participated. Sometimes It seems like multiple items in the 3rd click.


I did buy a few items. Which under normal situations I probably would not have yet I felt I needed to make irrational decisions and bought some child/school stuff.


  1. Times were feasible…see 3.

  2. The products picked were all generally items which used to be within a game wooters used to get rewarded as a possible purchase. Maybe thats just my take. I didn’t like it obviously I don’t do the general household or grocery shopping.

  3. Having the time slot later in the day well actually towards the evening therefore its not interrupting daily work is a suggestion
    I could only hope for. As others have mentioned adding some many $50-1,000,000 items for zillionaires at a great savings wouldn’t hurt my feelings.

  4. Making it hard to find the items like a puzzle or game simulator format would only upset me; unless the items were from grocery essentials again and I knew ahead of time to just avoid the event all in all. This is coming from someone who does not buy most $1 items. Not saying I attempted it and wasn’t able to get it. I simply didn’t want it.


Adding extra thoughts–

I agree w/ also adding random goofy items along w/ adding a few big ticket things

And add me to those not wanting this a puzzle/search/harder thing. Some of us are at work and can’t spend a lot of time hunting for clues/hidden BoCs/whatever. I can take a few short breaks to scroll through items and hope I’m fast enough to score. I canNOT take a few long breaks trying to find the clue/solve the puzzle/etc.

Also, don’t remember if I included this-- @ThunderThighs can the shipping (for those of us not Prime-al) be set so we pay $6 for the first TTWh purchase, then it’s free for any subsequent TTWh purchases? I remember woot!offs sometimes did this, but I also know codes have change since then.



I definitely second the not much time for puzzles/complicated games while at work! This event was amazing the way it was for not taking up too much time!

Based on the number of packages my USPS guy is going to grumble about having to deliver today, it seems it was effective, too!