Vornado Flippi Fan

When Woot was selling the Zippi I posted in there information on what I think is the best fan on the planet, which I have about seven of.

It’s made by Caframo and it’s the “Chinook” model.

Caframo is a Canadian company and I have been using that model fan since 1992.

They are spendy but sometimes you can find a deal.

It’s powerful, but small (6" height, 7" diameter blade); it’s super quiet; it has an exposed blade that is child and curious cat safe.

If you get one, get black. The white fan casing yellows over time. Black hides the color change due to motor heat.





very weary of a fan sale that does not include the CFM in the specs

The US map sure is lit up in the West, where it’s flipping HOT right now.

Since the reviews aren’t that great, I’ll skip it–even if it has been breaking 100. I’ll just keep moving my Vornado to whichever room I’m staying in. Meh.


why is it so hard to find a fan like this for cars??

its only $18 >__>

thanks, you saved me money and i dont have to get upset…i, too, would have bought the vornado brand but this is just junk.

Cause cars typically come with working fans.

There are SIX reviews with an average of 4 out of 5, that AIN´T that bad.

There is nothing in the reviews that would qualify this product as junk.

Some folks are bothered by the noise when on HIGH. Others don´t like the switch on the bottom. Legit complaints, but nothing that justifies calling it junk.


If I hadn´t ordered a bunch of Zippi units, I would order this toy. But there´s only but so much dough.

Good luck folks,


if it had a clip, i’d consider it. i use fans for drying things like paint or glue or crafty stuff. no clip means i can’t attach it in nifty places.

and 18 bucks isn’t worth it.

Perfect. In for 3.

I can take one of these in my luggage on the plane and have a little fan in my hotel room when I have to fly.

I’ll take -2-
the current fan in my cubical has been there for almost 5 years now, and it is built up with dust around the fan motor, has been taken apart; washed cleaned and oiled several times, even went so far one time to wax the fan blades hoping the dust wouldn’t stick (building is over 108 years old now, lots of dust bunnies)

Oh yea!!! I have a coupon!..yea! no shipping!.. better deal than I thought!

I bought 2 Vornados and they are the best fans I’ve ever had. They are very powerful and circulate air (distance wise) as advertised.
I have some concerns about this one though. It’s a personal fan with a cord . . . . I mean how far can you travel from the outlet (without an extension cord) with one of these. LOL

Vornado support is AWESOME!

My youngest cat decided to play with the fan we bought (a Zippi with cloth blades) over night. Motor = burnt out.

I called Vornado, told them that the fan stopped working. Gave them serial number and they took down my name and address. Then they told me to cut the power cord and throw it out, the new one would arrive in about a week. They didn’t even ask me what had happened!

We own several of the “personal” Vornado fans.

Fabulous fans if you are looking for something that can sit on the desk next to you, be virtually silent (on lowest setting) and still manage to cool the air a couple of degrees.

Granted if you have just finished working out or going for a walk during your lunch hour, you will not be cooled down immediately with this little fan. But that is not its function. it is NOT a whole house fan. it is NOT something that was designed to cool down a room.

BUT for what it is, a personal fan, it is pretty well designed (not to mention looks sleek!)

I live in the lower part of the Puget Sound and it’s starting to heat up around here. Were not use to heat on this side of the mountains… I blame it on the Pacific. I would buy any affordable fan at this point if I could afford to buy any fan in the first place. I blame that part on shirt.woot

Does anyone have both Flippi and Zippi fans?
Which moves more air? Which is quieter?

I have a Zippi in a spot where it’s not working out. One of the cats thinks it is a bird and keeps “killing” it. It doesn’t spin too good knocked over on it’s side. (My Zippi at work is great, very quiet)

good point, and considering i do alot of driving in a service van that does not have a/c, id love to find a fan like this but for vehicles. you see them in postal and delivery vehicles.

im not trying to bust your bubble here so dont flame me for my comment. but a fan does not ‘cool’ the air as you might think or feel. a fan just circulates the air which may already be cooled from say, a central a/c.

if your in the south where the air is dry/low humidity, any moving air would feel cool because of passing over your skin.

if you live up here in wisconsin where its humid, you might even feel muggy because of the moving air being so saturated.

trust me, i know, i work in the hvac field.

from the look of the size of the base on this unit, i doubt the cfm is going to be anything great. start putting out any significant cfm and this will start to tip over with that small of a base.

they need to put a suction cup on the bottom.