Wὅὅt Limited-Editiὅn Birthday Balloons of Celebration


They really have decided to make this boc extremely hard to get this year. And no notifications. And on top of that my BRAND NEW pixel 2xl is having network issues. And it will be fine then drop service all of a sudden and guess what? Right when they drop a boc. This is getting super frustrating with this whole thing today

What bot are you using. Send me a PM. I’ve got free candy in my basement.

Yes, you can get both.

this is #12? only 2 left?

Yay got one! This is the second time I’ve purchased a $50 crap item. Hoping this is a little less disappointing than the electronics one I got several years back that left me pretty salty. Generally BOCs are worth it just for the suspense and fun of opening though.

Success! It really is just dumb luck. I had a couple pages open i was refreshing each one of them. It came up on one page but not the others.

Regular ones are 9.99 but the birthday bocs are extra crappy

I got kicked out of the VOP, but the boyfriend is still waiting in the VOP on his computer. Digital disappointment is free, but I want this bag of crap bad! :frowning:

I did it!!! Used wootstalker and finally got one!! Took all day, and it will totally not be worth it!!

I have gotten 2 Balloons of Celebration in the past, but haven’t even seen any today, my deal just skip right over the BoCs. I must be all sorts of unlucky today :frowning:

should be two left, the seven o clock one got skipped over cause of the link error

Um, its over. Like 15 minutes ago. You can sit in the VOP all day but you can’t buy it because it is already sold out.

The normal bags are disguised as other products. They also arent listed in the community anymore. The names are like Brown Oreo Cookies… See what they did there

Can I get some of that sweet bot action as well?

I love you, a little.

Me, too. I don’t have any candy, nor do I have a basement, but I cook a mean gumbo!

Is there a problem with the system where users are getting logged out? Every time I make it to the VoP then move forward, I get logged out. I’ve tried using Amazon log in and my Woot login.

Woot logs you out every so often, “security reasons”, so when you see an item about to sell out make sure you haven’t been logged out.

Ah, thank you. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.