Westinghouse Ultra-slim 42” 1080p 120Hz LED HDTV

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Westinghouse Ultra-slim 42" 1080p 120Hz LED HDTV
$489.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

For those who wanted a bigger TV

not what i want to see when i wake up :frowning:

i HATE that ride

Amazon.com - $649.99 Best Buy - $649.99

Everyone who has complained about the 60hz TVs better be buying at least 2.

I double posted so here is a random joke from the internet: How many database people does it take to change a light bulb?

Three. One to write the light bulb removal routine, one to write the light bulb insertion routine, and one to make sure no one else is trying to change the light bulb at the same time.

Everyone here needs to be focused on WINNING

120 hz!

120 Hz! Isn’t this what everyone is waiting for??

So sad. Another once-proud American brand that has been sold off and is now slapped onto uber-cheap Asian electronics.

Finally 120Hz, in for 2!

Westinghouse quality is suspect. Compared side by side against other brands picture is not as good. However if $$ are an issue.

IS IT MAC COMPATIBLE??? Mac compatible…

mac compatible…

HA! I won this mac compatible race… scrubs

Or trolling.

not a refurb!

Looking good


My first woot-off! I’m so excited I think I may wet myself. Any chance those leak frog Depends get posted again?

wow, that’s a really nice tv…