This is a BOC, right?
You had me in the first half, nice try woot!
Huh, just the boc lights this time, not the woot off ones
Idk why, but i bought 4 of these during the leftovers from the last sale for $1 a piece. Now i don’t what to do with them. But I’m open to suggestions
Right? What in the 8ch-hee double hockey sticks did I just order
White elephant gifts!!
Good idea
Pfft, I bought ten, slacker.
String them on your Christmas tree!
I’m in the same boat…
I haven’t put up mine from the last time they were here for a $1 lol
I tried to put ours on the Christmas tree. The SO vetoed that choice. I may have to sneak them on and see if she even notices…
I have these and somehow immediately lost them afterwards
Funny story… The end. I need help.
I’ve been too lazy to unplug the 2 sets I have hanging in my room they have been serving as night lights for the past week
Damn, I got one and you fooled me! White elephant gift I guess. Have to find some Woot OG to give it to that would even understand what this is.