Woot USB Flashing Police Lights

Got these last time and they still work. I keep them on my desk at work.

Well at least I can sleep in peace tonight not worrying about missing a deal

I got these last woot-off, love the police light theme. After testing them out, one light wasn’t spinning. The good thing about woot-off lights is that you can easily take off the bottom and fix them!

this will be a quickie

The last few didn’t end with the lights out as they used to. But, they did allude to the end in the description. And this one does not…

Please tell me that this isn’t the last “fun” item of the woot off… sigh.

Is this… dah dah DAAHHHHHHHHH… the end?

“CHERRIES ON TOP” - That’s what she said!

Turn out the lights, the party’s over!

They said bag o crap in the description… think that means anything?!


psst… half price books… $3.99

If you haven’t made your woot-off purchase, better hurry. You may still have a chance at monkeys or bacon salt.

Quantity Guess:
Sellout Time:
In: 00:11:59
10:23:14 Eastern Time

We’re not done yet… It’s moving way too fast to kill three more hours.

Pro Tip: Use these to denote a Happy Hour, while using your orange ones to signify a Woot-Off. For Kids-Offs, I simply find two children and ask them to spin. Wine-Offs are accomplished with a wine bottle and a turntable.

in for one. it was fun guys!

Oh No! I missed the expensive knifes! Please, more expensive knifes, or even a golf bag!

Totally in for 3. My kids will love these. You know kids these days and anything that either flashes or is shiny, they want it.

These are going to look so cool on the dash of my DeVille. :slight_smile:

I’d prefer a monkey to abuse/kick around to woot lights. I already have two sets of lights.

PLEEEEEEEEEASE let these sell out and the monkeys be next! It is only 8:10p.m. here!