Apple 32GB iPod touch - Current Gen

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Apple 32GB iPod touch - Current Gen
$214.99 + $5 Standard OR $8 Two-Day OR $11 One-Day Shipping
Condition: Refurbished

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Here it is, finally. The perfect accessory for all those docks!

If anything, I demand the Bacon of Champions be named as such. o: THought of that while working today…

Dock, dock, dock, dock, dock, iPOD!, dock, dock…

I have tried SO hard to be snarky all day, then you come along and shame me with this. I’m not just saying it, I TRULY DID LOL…Top Shelf, my friend. Top Shelf!!


I love playing dock, dock Ipod!

Boilerplate comment:
No these are not refurbished by Apple and don’t have an Apple warranty.

An official Apple refurb is $249 with free shipping and a 1 year warranty, and you can choose black or white.

This is the 15th crapple item today

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So are any of these ipods that have been up today warranteed by Apple? I thought refurbished meant BY Apple just with a shorter warranty?
I know sometimes these are just returns that have never even been opened. I thought they refurbed them replace screens, wipe memory etc… Tried to buy this one but was too slow. Now I’m leary

[QUOTE=alanhwoot, post:9, topic:363082]
Boilerplate comment:
No these are not refurbished by Apple and don’t have an Apple warranty.

An official Apple refurb is $249 with free shipping and a 1 year warranty, and you can choose black or white.