Apple 32GB iPod touch - Current Gen

274 at Amazon

These have been sold so many times on woot before. I’m not even going to try to pull up previous woots. You can find them easily by googling ipod 32gb touch woot.

Can someone tell me if these still aren’t “official apple refurbished products” or whatever it is they call them.

I’ll guarantee you one thing. You sure won’t be able to read the information on the back case of the Ipod like they show in the pictures. They seem to work fine, but they definitely live up to their name of refurbs.
The one I bought previously on Woot was polished down with a cement grinder. Battery won’t hold a full charge for more than a few hours and that’s with all the settings on low or the ones not needed turned off. I’m still happy with the product even after these complaints. Holds a lot of music and videos.Good picture quality, but definitely need a good pair of earbuds. I went with Sennheiser from Newegg on sale. They rock , but the buds you get with this package sure don’t.

[QUOTE=CowboyDann, post:3, topic:358857]
These have been sold so many times on woot before. I’m not even going to try to pull up previous woots. You can find them easily by googling ipod 32gb touch woot.

Can someone tell me if these still aren’t “official apple refurbished products” or whatever it is they call them.

if refurbed by apple, they’d have a 1yr warranty

I bought this same 32GB current gen just over a year ago & have had no problems at all. I even paid $20 higher than this price. I would definitely buy this again. I have never had problems w/ any refurbished products. Just not many accessories for it though.

(I just need to save this for the next time.)

They’re refurbished by a 3rd party company, not Apple. That’s why there’s only a 90 day Woot warranty.

The Apple price is $249. The $179 one is a previous generation. So you save $30 here, but don’t get the Apple warranty. If you’re considering the SquareTrade one you might as well get it from Apple as it’s cheaper.

I’m actually happy with my Wooted 8GB iPod. It has the official earbuds and the original back. However, some people have complained about not-so-good refurbishing.

I do not recommend this. I got the 8GB from Woot and it will NOT charge up. I haven’t been able to use it from the day I got it. Saving $25 dollars isn’t worth the gamble of getting a brick. Of all the purchases I’ve made from Woot, this is one of two I regret. Too much money to gamble, this is not the quality of an Apple refurb.

Sorry for the problems. Did you email at the time?

I had gotten it as a gift for my son, so it sat unopened for 2 months. You have no idea how upset I was that it didn’t work when I opened it to charge it the night before his birthday. :frowning: But since so much time had gone by I didn’t contact CS.

It seems appropriate to warn folks though, since another Wooter also mentioned they had issues getting theirs to charge.

I agree I had the same problem with the keyboard not working and had to reload software 3 times to get it to work and the physical quality of the back of it looked like it was dragged across the curb a few times .These refurbs are nothing more than used itouches traded in nothing has been refurbed. And by the way with the apple ipod refurbs you cant tell the difference between new and refurbed thats how good they look.Woot will not return for cosmetic reasons either

I had bought 2 for christmas and although I did test charging and all that and wrap them up it wasnt till I connected to wifi that I found out part of the keyboard had no response .The quality check is not there by who is refurbing these or they are just being put in a new package and calling them refurbbed. It would be nice if woot listed who is refurbing these So there reputation was on the line rather than hiding this fact from us

So what say you in this situation? The guy had it set aside for a birthday and 2 mos went by. Would Woot service had done a replacement? I would think so, right, since it was within the 90 days.

trying to get in on the deal and it wont let me buy one. whats up?

[QUOTE=Serafyna, post:8, topic:358857]
I do not recommend this. I got the 8GB from Woot and it will NOT charge up. I haven’t been able to use it from the day I got it. Saving $25 dollars isn’t worth the gamble of getting a brick. Of all the purchases I’ve made from Woot, this is one of two I regret. Too much money to gamble, this is not the quality of an Apple refurb.

Don’t get it. If you could ‘never’ charge it, why did you not return it in the 90 day window? Your own fault for not doing that.

[QUOTE=sc4jack, post:14, topic:358857]
trying to get in on the deal and it wont let me buy one. whats up?

@Woot and @WootStaff:

Same here can’t get one. Page will not load.

Edit: Nevermind it’s working now.

[QUOTE=jamiey, post:15, topic:358857]
Don’t get it. If you could ‘never’ charge it, why did you not return it in the 90 day window? Your own fault for not doing that.

Jamiey - How is it my fault it didn’t work, when presumably “refurbished” should have some kind of quality check? That isn’t my fault. Yes, I could have gotten a refund potentially - but that still doesn’t invalidate that the item was non-working. I didn’t return it because of personal reasons. I was unable to at the time. (Fill in the blank however you want - incarcerated, hospitalized, out of the country.) I didn’t post it trying to get a refund, I was sharing my experience along with several others to stress that the quality on these isn’t there. If people repeatedly report they had duds, it’s to help others when they make their choice so they make an educated decision weighing the pros/cons. Nothing I said had anything to do with Woot’s customer service or being angry about not getting a refund.

If you notice there are more folks speaking up that these have issues then saying they worked like they should.

Don’t shoot the messenger.

[QUOTE=xfiles954, post:12, topic:358857]
I had bought 2 for christmas and although I did test charging and all that and wrap them up it wasnt till I connected to wifi that I found out part of the keyboard had no response .The quality check is not there by who is refurbing these or they are just being put in a new package and calling them refurbbed. It would be nice if woot listed who is refurbing these So there reputation was on the line rather than hiding this fact from us

That would be nice. I’d like to get one that worked, but I don’t want to take the risk this is the same supplier.

Just a little note for the people that won’t get a charge on these Ipods. Try holding down the top, right power button and the Home button toward the bottom(The Square Button) at that same time for about 10 seconds. This will reset the Ipod. When it resets then let it reload. Just wait until the Apple Logo returns and then eventually the menus will reload. Try charging it from this point.Once you get a good charge then go into your settings once the menu reloads and turn down brightness level, turn off Location Services( This drains battery life). Turn Airplane Mode and Wifi Off !!( Turn them On when needed (These drain battery life)
Also remember to hit the Home button twice quickly to bring up the apps that you had previously open( They’ll show up at the bottom) Put your finger on one of the apps and hold it until the red minus sign shows up.Press on the minus sign and this will close that app. Do this to all the apps open that you’re not using.
These open apps are running even when you’re not using them and drain battery life. Hit the Home button once to return back to the main menus after doing this.
Remember to update the Operating System when you initially get your Ipod and update Itunes to recent version.
All in all,start from what I said about reseting the unit and then try and charge your Ipod. Should work !!

I bought the 32gb 3rd generation iPod in 2010 and I used it again today. It was also a refurbed and it’s awesome. I have 8 gbs of music on it and 325 apps. (so when there’s no wifi my son or I have a multitude of apps to play with). It was in perfect brand-new condition, came with charger and headphones w/ mic. Wouldn’t you know it, I had JUST spent $30 for those headphone for my 2nd gen a few weeks earlier so I have two pair now

I have since gotten an iPhone (also a refurbed from Apple and saved $50) so I only use the iPod for music because I haven’t switched over all my music yet.