got the 32 gig last week, i love it Woot Info Post
The old ploy!
Apple 64GB Gen 3 iPod Touch [Refurbished] - $279.99 + $5 shipping
1 * Apple MC011LL/A 64GB Gen 3 iPod Touch
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not too bad of a deal
best write ups ever… Love Woot…
Previous Woot for the 32GB Touch
NightGhost = always on top of things.
What about jailbreaking?
I really, really, really, really hate Apple but… the IPod touch is a work of genius. I have an 8gig (wayyyyyy too small), I only got it because I found it at a good price (off woot of course!) and didn’t have to give my money directly to apple, but I have been looking to upgrade for a while now. I would buy this in a second If I had the cash available. Unfortunately right now, I don’t.
This is much cheaper than amazon
So my timeline went like this:
- Lost the Zune 30 I’d bought from Woot in '07.
- Got a 32 Gb iPod Touch (reefed) from Woot
- Wife found the Zune
- Zune sits idle because baby, there’s no going back.
If she made any noise about getting this to replace her nano, I wouldn’t hesitate - though she’d get the 32 and I’d get this.
I know this is not a new question, but I am very close to pulling the trigger on this deal - is this worth the purchase or will there be an upgrade coming up soon?
Worth getting this refurb now or wait for the next generation?
Of course there’s no going back… that was their plan all along!
upgrade is most likely coming-- e.g. retina display. wait for that… it’s worth it.
And we now know that the upgrade to iOS4, with multitasking, folders, and other features is free! iOS 4 Software Update
It’s an insane deal…this is the price for a new 32g, and even refurbs never get this low.
That said, yes, Apple has been releasing new versions like clockwork in August or October or something, so I would expect it. This version is completely compatible with the current iPhone OS though, which is nice (I have this one, so I can confirm that).
OS4 added a lot of the stuff people jailbroke it for. You still can though, to get the other apps if you need them. Personally, I really like OS4.
@ sportster25
I’d have to say its worth it. its $60 cheaper than the refurb 64gb on apple’s site.
As far as waiting, you’ll probably be waiting til september, since thats when apple usually refreshes the ipods. Once that refresh does come you’ll probably still be paying 399 for a 64 gb. I doubt apple with up the memory sizes this time around, since they didnt for the iphone and flash memory capacities have been pretty stagnate for about a year now.