VOP is by design. A small percentage of orders go straight through with the remainder going to the VOP to queue up for the next availability in our order processing. This keeps our servers from blowing up.
You can exit the VOP after 4-5 minutes. Desktop should kick you. App is a jerk and doesn’t kick you out.
Canceled means we ran out after we processed your payment. We have to cancel to refund the order.
Denied means that we ran out before we could process your order. We deny the order to reverse the process.
Hey, wondering if you can help me with a quick question. When attempting to purchase a BoC, is it better to wait in the VoP and hope that it eventually lets you through or is it better to refresh and try again to see if it lets you through to the purchase page? I believe it says on the VoP page that it’ll put you through automatically (if you’re very (un)lucky), but I’ve been trying for years-over a decade actually, to get one & idk if I’ve ever gotten through the VoP (tho tbf I often leave the VoP after ~2 minutes). The closest I’ve got to getting one has always been with refreshing the page, (usually when woot isn’t even sending me to the VoP, when the servers are over-loaded I assume) I’ve gotten to the checkout page 5-10 times but they’ve always ended up being sold out.
Sorry this ended up being longer than I intended lol, any help/advice would be appreciated; I’ve literally been trying for like 12ish years and have never been able to get one . (Not asking for anything besides helpful advice within the Woot/BoC ToS, just to be clear ). Thank you
It gets discussed during most woot-offs. The official advice is to wait. Trying again or on multiple devices can sometimes be seen as multiple purchases and you’ll get the 31 day message.