Sat in vop for a while but got one!
It’s time for everybody’s favourite gif:
Oh I see. Y’all waited until I put in my Taco Bell order to drop the BOC.
Finally got one
Just getting back to checking the wootoff, see a pole saw. Decide to check forums to see when the last BoC was. See that it’s been a while. Go check the wootoff to see it’s happening now and I’m likely way too late. Ugh. Would’ve been great timing if I just checked the items.
Of course it comes when I took a break from refreshing. I shall delay my shower further until the next BOC.
Swing and a miss
And still can’t get one
Today is a day of disappointment. And not a bag of crap disappointment.
Reminds me. I need to take pics of my birthday BOC
Its funny last year it was a bulk candy boc now its a bulk order of cookies
Not fair… confirming it’s me… back to basket w BOC… confirming it’s me… back to basket???
It just feels like I’m doing something wrong. Not sure how I can get in the VoP when the %s are still in the 90s and never make it to the buy page.