Derby Preview #868: Summa' Time

Summertiiiiimmmmmeee and the livin’s easy.

No politics, no war, no cream shirts.
No celebrity likenesses in mockups/detail images.
One design per entry.
Up to 4 entries per artist.

**This Derby begins MONDAY May 30 at 8pm, CST. & ends MONDAY June 6 at 8pm, CST. The three winning designs will be featured as the Daily offers Tuesday-Thursday. Great designs that don’t win may be included in an Editor’s Choice sale on Friday, so be sure to check back and see who makes the cut!

Please be sure to have your artwork ready to submit with your entry as part of the new submission process!

If you want to submit any off-topic designs, submit here!

If you are new to the derby and want to participate, WELCOME! Also, in addition to the rules above please check out our content guidelines here so you know what works and what doesn’t over here at Woot!

You can also download updated templates for your artwork over here . Happy designing!

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Pool Party Swimming GIF by The Dodo

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I can’t seem to upload my derby submission artwork files. get to the last preview and verify step of the submission process and it just doesn’t go… any ideas? Any way to email the files for a more manual derby submission?

Re-exported / saved all three images a second time to be sure, and still no dice. No errors on the form, preview with my design on the selected shirt color looks good. Submit just won’t… submit.

Resaved all my images, including the detail/preview images and this last time was able to submit. I don’t think I did anything differently, but this time they submitted successfully. Nothing to see here… move along.

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