Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference
Dream Cheeky USB Piano
$17.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New
DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!
Can I play the piano anymore?
Previous reviews say it’s not very responsive and smells strongly like rubber tires (which is probably what it’s made from).
Anyone have anything bad to say about this?
Are these the same guys who did the USB Mirror?
Ok, so I was wrong…but a Woot off with nothing but two-for-Tuesday items is a great idea, Woot!
It hurt my feelings once…
looks like a good Christmas gift for the granddaughter!!
no mention of any built-in speaker? i guess you’re dependent on your PC to play this?