Gilmour Polymer Impulse Lawn Sprinkler - 2 Pack

this 2 pack is $9.99 on so this seems like a good deal. Rakuten: Online & In-Store Cash Back | Shop 3,500 Stores!

i don’t waste water on my lawn though so i won’t be getting in on it.

Love your signature. I remember seeing that Ad one day when I Google’d the stock symbol for Google. is available only in the US To my knowledge, it says so in their site somewhere i read once upon a time

Hot summer this year, great for the kids. Why do they use the word ‘Polymer’, instead of the more common term ‘Plastic’. If they wanted it to sound more attractive, should have used ‘recycled plastic’. Most everything plastic, contains some re-grind plastic, so it’s not a false claim, and good for the enviroment (not really, just more junk to clutter the landfill).

Well, shoot, using the $5off shipping code I got from Woot’s birthday makes this $1.49 for a two pack of sprinklers. My dogs are going to have a blast this summer!

previous woot

Spelling Fail

As a rule, I refuse to spend money on something that makes me more work…

Water for the lawn = Grass will grow = I have to waste 3-4 hours mowing again… no thanks!

You could always water the drive way.

In for 3 - One old crossbow 1 hose - mass possibilities !!!

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz PASS.
Do not want.

Seriously? At least sell Wacky Water Weasel so we can get some amusement out of it.

It’s these plastic ‘sprinks’ that have lasted longer than the aluminum cast or the brass ones… Well, a 17 year old behind a lawn mower didn’t help either. I’m in for 3 sets.

Earth where you know we’re having all of those fresh water problems? Or haven’t you been paying attention either? Yes water does wonderful things, but it is possible to waste it unnecessarily which is why a lot of cities have water usage laws. Not to mention purifying water requires a lot of time and energy.

So yes, wasters indeed.

I just installed 22 pop-up impact sprinklers with automatic timers on my property. Before this I had these exact sprinklers and they work very well. It’s nice to be able to daisy chain them if that’s what you want to do. Just be aware they do not stand up to lawnmower attack very well. Also, as a side note never buy Toro impact sprinklers. In less than four months I had to replace several of them. Fortunately you can take out just the head without digging up the entire sprinkler. I used a special wrench and replaced them with Rainbird impact sprinklers. They were only one dollar more each at Home Depot but are miles ahead in quality.

What the woot?? I just bought these a few weeks ago here for double the price :frowning:

Spelling FAIL. LOL.

From Woot:
No, we do not ship outside of the continental United States at this time. We do not ship to Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii, nor to Maggie’s Nipples, Wyoming or Assinippi, Massachusetts at this time

Got 6 the last woot. THESE THINGS WORK! Got me thru the recent heat wave. They move easily for mowing. Recommended.

In for 3 (…6) just for YOU.