Gilmour Polymer Impulse Lawn Sprinkler - 2 Pack

Lawn sprinklers!
Woot, Why do you do this to us!?

I bought a couple of these last month, and they do what I needed them to (keep the homeless from having sex in my lawn). Since they are plastic the stake part could break pretty easy so just be careful pushing them in the ground.

I live in so cal, we aren’t even allowed to have lawns anymore. Bah. Seems I missed nothing going to bed. But I’ll miss something at work, I’m sure.

These are superior quality. Get you some.

That’s a bit personal isn’t it?

My lawn is practically a desert, so this can’t hurt…

Not so into it this morning (afternoon?)

Why does woot! seem more exciting under the cover of night?

If I had a lawn, these would be great!

10 bucks for 6 of them not a bad deal. Time to take a nap… I will use them to automaticly wake me up.


And some insanely high water pressure… no way 6 of them would hook up to one line and still work.

Yes you can. Look at the photo and you’ll see a hose inlet and outlet connections.

Water wasters?? What planet are you from? The water evaporates and continues life… You can water plants, gardens, etc… all these things are creating oxygen… wasters indeed.

These are perfect for the drought my area is currently experiencing. No lawn watering and no home car washing allowed.

Buy something and we might tell you!

I don’t think they ship to canada man.

These work well, but you’ll use the lifetime warranty within the first season. We’ve gone through three of these over the last summer just watering a small garden every other day. No impacts, no damage, no abuse. The plastic just breaks.

If you buy three twin packs here and are fine with simply throwing them away when they break it’s probably worth it, though.

Got these when they came up on a two-fer tuesday not long ago, because we were getting new sod put down. For their price, I can’t complain. One of them needs to get bopped on the head occasionally to start actually going around, but two of them daisychained together kept an eighth acre of sod nice and watered while it was taking hold.

Fantastic value for the dollar.

Done with impulse sprinklers. I love the gear driven stuff. That, and you can get these at the Dollar Store, TODAY. Sure it is two bucks but even if you buy 3 packs, you get 6 for 9 bucks…same stuff at the dollar store is only 6 for 6 and tax. No brainer.

Mine didn not work chained.