How do I change my user name?

I see a thread similar to my question, but it’s from 4 years ago. I’m hoping the ability to change my user name has been added since then. I see my user name in my Account > Preferences, but I don’t see a way to change it. I’m hoping I’m just missing it somewhere.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


There’s this, but it may be too late for you, since a username can only be changed once.

(Please note: I don’t work for Woot, I just volunteer to help out here on the forums.)


When you say a username can only be changed once, are you referring to my Amazon user name? I ask, because after signing in to Woot with my Amazon credentials the username displayed on my Woot home page and Account Overview page is not my Amazon user name (the name that’s shown when I review a product). Now I’m confused.

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I’m referring to the Woot username.

For privacy reasons, that’s different than the Amazon profile name.

(Please note: I don’t work for Woot, I just volunteer to help out here on the forums.)


OK. I sure don’t remember ever changing my Woot username. But I guess I must have some time way back in history. Oh, well, tough luck for me. Thanks again for replying.

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Hi there. Just to clarify,

Woot username can be set once and not changed.

Login with Amazon can be changed once if your current username is Wooterxxxxxxx.

Hope that helps.


I wonder why Amazon/Woot don’t just hire someone who can develop a way to allow a change to that field in the database once every, oh say 30 days - then they’d be on par with say Microsoft and gamertags. I guess Amazon/Woot can’t afford it or something. Sad when small companies are affected by big problems. Oh… Wait…


Then they couldn’t keep the prices as low as they do. There’s a method to the madness…


Is there a legitimate reason you need to change your username once a month?


It would allow people who messed up to fix it. Some people like to change their user based on their current feeling and so forth. If you’re worried about trolls then Woot should hire a cyber security guy and a database coder. You can change your username on Facebook, YouTube, and pretty much most platforms. Just makes sense. It’s also easier to human track a name rather than Wooter6661313.

Facebook only allows people to change their name every x number of months and isn’t meant to be changed based on mood. Since all we have to identify each other on here is our usernames, then it makes sense that it be static to avoid confusion, if nothing else. It’s already allowed that we change it once from the Wooterxxxxxxx thing (and I strongly encourage everyone to do that since keeping track of the various numbers is not easy) but beyond that, I don’t see a legitimate reason.

The only thing I would change about my username is to capitalize a couple of the letters but beyond that, I’ve had the same name on here for 14 years. People can easily identify me by it. That works for me. I would think letting us change it all the time would lead to a logistical nightmare for Woot, and especially for ThunderThighs since the boards would be filled with “new username, who dis?” questions all the time.


Can this be dine through the APP or just on desktop?

Just the desktop.


For me, who’s stuck. I first look for familiar avatars, followed by usernames. Most people keep the same avatars, or only slightly modify them from time to time. If TT or the VMs completely changed their avatars it would throw people off at first, can you imagine Froody changing his to a frog?


I temporarily had an old avatar of @peaceetc, but it felt too odd, even for me.


You don’t change your username… your username changes YOU!


I feel like a number


numbers GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals


I am not a number; I am a free man .”

the prisoner goodbye GIF


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