Without a lottery win? Too dang long.
I am retired but… Being retired means you are on your own. No HR to help navigate getting benefits, getting paid. My Monday job all seems to be dealing with one agency or another. Getting banking straightened out. Making required medical appointments. Sigh.
It shouldn’t be this difficult. I have learned to document every phone call, log in, appointment etc. I seem to have to jump through more hoops if I don’t.
So look forward to retirement! You’ve only just begun.
@wootbot when will I die?
I live my life in such a way that I will retire at 60.
I’d like to in about 12 years but could be in 15 years depending on how stocks do. I’m 49
I’m on the other side and enjoying retirement.
My wife and I had to work our butts off for 45 years to get here but we made it. Your day will come if you stick to a plan.
It’s worth the effort! Every day is Saturday and Christmas. Although we no longer have to go to work every day, we still jobs and you will also. Our new job is to focus on our health to keep the fun going as long as we can.
@wootybot quote
Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other. — Benjamin Franklin
Rut Roh! I just got a random quote from the WootyBot. Are I on the bad juju list of cyber space?
4 months 29 days 8 hour 13 minutes! But who is counting!!!
6 months, if I can make it. Recent adversity seems to indicate a conspiracy to prevent my reaching that goal…
I am there! Thanks for asking!
Worked till I was 63. 43 Years in same bizz (manufacturing).
BUT, I must say that I was NOT prepared for this economy the last 3 years are terrible.
I have been retired for 4 1/2 years, and it is glorious!
@wooter25155394 1st and most important I respectfully thank you for your service. I know that the VA in my area is so far from the suburbs it’s not easy to get to all the time and yes the waiting game also.