How long have you been a Wooter?
15 years or so.
Around 3 years
Long enough to know better and also long enough that I keep forgetting how I got here.
Note: this id is 2012 but I wooted before then under a lost account.
Click profile. Do math.
That is just for the forums, though… I wooted prior to finding this glorious place, but can’t figure out how long ago that was.
As long as this banana.
Long enough to be a loyal poll answerer! 2.5 years and a few days.
Just recently
Join Date: Friday, April 27, 2007
Way too damned long …
Got here as soon as I learned about Woot! Wish I’d known sooner; I could’ve spent a lot more $$$$ & ¢¢¢….I’m not going anywhere now……
The other date could be gotten from the main Woot site.
Joined on May 25, 2009… so about 15 1/2 years. Wow.
A bit over a year. Woot was kinda hard to find, I only came across it after I caved and decided Amazon Prime was worth it for the shopping alone, and dug through the benefits page. Wish I knew about it way earlier.
My profile said 2015 but it was early than that I am not sure why it is 2015 I remember when the threads in the forums were all lumped together everything was green print and it was not that easy to do or read I moved to Meh. when it started I also remember the old woot when they gave away the farm in boc’s I don’t think I am making it up but maybe I don’t know what I am talking about. (False memories are a real thing.)