How to Post in the NEW Woot Community!

If you missed the introduction to the forums, head over here and check it out.

Let’s get started. Just click on a section title to go there.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: To post in the Woot! Forums, you need to create an account for Woot!. To do this, go to and sign in or create a new account. Then head back here to the forums and get going.

Adding a Post (Reply) in a Thread
Adding Links to Your Post
Adding Images, GIFs, and Videos has Never Been Easier!!
Deleting your own Posts!!
Creating a New Topic (Thread)
Sending and Reading Private Messages
Using Member Pages
Reporting (Tattling) on Posts
Bookmark your Favorite Topics or Posts

Adding a Post (Comment/Reply) in a Thread

To add a post to an existing thread (now called topics), you can reply to:

  • The main topic of the thread by clicking the image button ~or~

  • A specific post by clicking on the gray image button immediately under the post you’re replying to.

With either method, the next thing you’ll see is a nice friendly text box where you can start typing your words of wisdom:

Once you’re happy with your masterpiece and you’re ready to post it to the thread, click the image button below the text box. It’s that easy. Oh, and if you changed your mind, you can click the Close button and pretend nothing happened.

Helpful Tip: If you want more room to view your masterpiece, you can enlarge the window by dragging the green bar above the post text box. The text box will display that size in future posts.


All About the Textbox Toolbar
You probably noticed a number of icons on the toolbar for the textbox. Here’s a handy-dandy guide to the ones you’ll use the most.

Desktop: If ever you forget, you can hover over the icon and a tip bubble will remind you what it does.

image Quote the Entire Post - The new Woot Community forums no longer automatically quote entire posts. This prevents those long quoted posts you probably hated in the old forums. However, if you feel the quote is needed for context, click this icon and the post you are replying to will be added to your post.

image Bold Text (CTRL-B) - Also called “Strong”, this will bold the text you select or you can click it before you start typing the text you want bold. The text to be shown in bold will show ** before and after the text. Remember, everything between the set of ** will be shown as bold.

image Italic Text (CTRL-I) - Formats text you select to italic or you can click it before you start typing the text you want to italicize. The text to be shown as italic will show a _ before and after the text. Remember, everything between the set of _ will be shown as italic.

image Upload - Use this button to upload an image from your computer or a URL for an image for upload and adding to your post.

image - Use to search for emojis and add them to your post. Woot! specific emojis start with w_

image - Lets you search for gifs and add them to your post.

This will get you started on the basics of posting in the new Woot Community with style. Have fun and tell us what you think.

Adding Links to Your Post

If you want to add a link to your post, it's as easy as copy and pasting it into your post. It will automatically be shown as a link. In some cases, you may see a preview of the page within your post.


If you want to add a link to some text like this link to Woot, we’ve got you covered there too!

Select the text you want to be the link.


and then paste the URL.


You can also use the Hyperlink tool image if you prefer.

Note: If your link is showing as preview and you want to show the link instead, add a space before the URL in the edit text box.

Adding Images, GIFs, and Videos has Never Been Easier!!

There are 4 basic ways to add images, including GIFs and videos, to your post.

  • Use the GIF feature - When creating a post, choose the GIF tool from the toolbar and search for a gif. Select the give and it’s in your post.
  • Copy & Paste – One option is to copy the image or an image link address (URL) and paste it in your reply.
  • Drag & Drop – You can drag the image from your own computer or another website to your reply.
  • Upload Images Button – If you prefer, you can click on the icon_Upload icon and choose to upload an image from your device or via a URL from the Internet.

Note: URLs for the images must be an image type ending in .jpg, .png, .gif, etc. A URL ending in .html is a URL for the entire page and will not work to display an image. It will show only as a link. Often you can get the image URL by right-clicking on the image and selecting Copy Image Address/Link.

There are a few things to note about adding images to your posts:

  • Google Images Search: You can’t drag from the Google Images search window as the image does not exist there; they’re showing you images from other sites.
  • Imgur Search: Same for the Imgur search window for the same reason. Click through to the page showing the image. However, drag/drop will not work for MP4 movies from Imgur. You can copy/paste the URL though.
  • Images within a sentence or other text: You can’t drag an image inline with text - as in the middle of a sentence. To add an image, such as an emoji, in the middle of text, you can use the Upload Images button or surround the URL with image tags such as [img ]URL[ /img ] with no spaces

Deleting your own Post!!

It's here! It's finally here. You can delete your own post! Note that any posts that quoted your post are not removed. To remove your post, find the toolbar underneath your post. It looks like this:


Click on the 3 dots expand the toolbar to show a few more tools.


Click on the trashcan tool image to delete your post.

Creating a New Topic (Thread)

So you’re ready to start a new topic. Maybe you want to start a new game in Everything But Woot or ask a question in Mortimer and Monte’s Info Desk.

When you click into a category from the main page of the Woot forums, you will see a New Topic button on the top right:


Click that button to display the Create a New Topic text box:


You’ll notice that it looks very much like the text box you see when you reply to a post. The only difference is that you need to give your topic a useful title and tags (optional). When you’re ready, click the Create Topic button at the bottom. Your topic will be there for all to see and respond.

Sending and Reading Private Messages

A private message is a conversation between you and another person. It is not visible to others in the community. To send a private message:
  • Click on the username of a post by the person you want to private message. You’ll see a message button on the pop-out that appears ~or~

  • Go to the other person’s member page (see the next section). You’ll see a message button in the upper right

Either way, look for this button:

If you’ve received a private message, you’ll see an indicator next to your avatar in the upper-right corner, like this:


Click on your avatar and a menu drops down.

Click on the messages tool image to go to the private messages tab. From there, you can read your messages, reply, archive, and more.

Using Member Pages

Every wooter has a personal member page. You can customize some aspects of your page. When viewing other's pages, you can view their profile and activity. On other's member pages, you can view information on their posts (activity) and their profile.

Your Member Page
You can view your own member page by clicking on your avatar in the upper-right corner and then clicking on the Preferences tab image and then choosing Summary from the Preferences Menu. From there you can view and personalize your profile.

  • Activity – Shows your recent posts, replies, topics, and more.
  • Summary – Displays various stats, hot topics, etc.
  • Notifications – Shows replies to your posts, likes, mentions, and edits.
  • Messages – View and reply to private messages. You can also archive messages.
  • Invites – This feature is not enabled for our community
  • Badges – Shows the badges you’ve earned
  • Preferences – View and customize your account info and what other people can see. This is the section where you can set your email and notifications preferences, add backgrounds to your profile page and member card.

Other’s Member Cards and Pages
When you click on a username in a post, you’re shown their member card which shows a few simple stats and bits of information if set by that member. For example:


If you click on their username on the member card, you’ll see their member page that shows more stats and activity. You can also send a private message from their member page.

Reporting (Tattling) on Posts

If you see an inappropriate post or spam, report the post so that a moderator can take care of it. Before reporting on a post, please review our community FAQ and Guidelines.

To report a post, click on the … on the tool bar below the post.


The tool bar expands to show a more tools.

Click on the image to display the report dialog box. Choose the most appropriate reason and click Flag Post.


Bookmark your Favorite Topics or Posts

You can set bookmarks for your favorite topics by clicking the image tool on the post toolbar.

To view your bookmarked pages, go to your own member page by clicking on your avatar in the top-right corner and then clicking on your username. On the next screen, you see Bookmarks on the menu to the left. Click on that to view your bookmarks.

That should get you started. This is a living document. I’ll update and correct it based on your feedback.




Hey there Woot, Just a note to say how pleased I am with the new Energenic LED shop lights, They are awesome! I bought them to replace some old florescent lights in my barn. The old lights never came on bright when it is cold outside, but the LED lights come on bright right away when turned on during cold weather. You guys hit it out of the park with these lights. I hope you offer these lights again soon so I can order another set to finish brighten up the rest of my barn.

greybeard 67


So, is there no way to select a different forum username or change what is displayed? I’d rather not have my real name info forever in the forums – but I picked that username over a decade ago when there weren’t any forums to worry about. :slight_smile:

Can I change this somehow for the forums? I asked using the Woot Customer Service email and they said that I could just create a new account (and lose all of my past order and posting history) or ask “the forums mediator” if there was any other option. So – is there?



Sorry, the forums are tied to your Woot account. We’re unable to change usernames.


How happy are you with your long distance provider?


So, you must realize how bad this is, right? I mean, seriously – you have a forum system that was basically added long after some of us signed up. This used to just be my username, so I didn’t care that it had my personal information. Now you’ve introduced a forum system where everyone can see my real name when I post – and you haven’t even considered a way to not have those be permanently tied together?

This is just really bad business, IMO.


I understand. We haven’t added anything that shows the forums to more than before. Anyone could see it in the old forums as well.

Problem is that there are so many connecting parts between woot retail usernames and forum usernames. We’d probably blow up the universe if we tried.


You say that like that would be a bad thing. Who knows, it could be fun!


It COULD be fun! Besides, I could lose my last married name once and for all. Oh well. Not sure why I thought it was a good idea to use it in the first place.


I signed up in 2004. What I mean is that, back then, we didn’t have ongoing discussions about the products each day and such. (At least, not that I recall or could find in the Wayback Machine.) Your username was simply your username for the site for most people. Now, comments on the items are much more directly integrated into each item – so it matters a heck of a lot more than it did then.


Actually, now that I look more in the Wayback Machine to that era when I signed up, I see all kinds of forum names like “Shallow SoCal” and “Mike F” that would not be valid as usernames under the current system, right? You can’t have spaces in usernames, but they show up in the forums that way in 2004-2006 or so.

So, maybe something WAS different then?


Are you talking about the Wooterxxxxxxx names? We found that some people didn’t want to choose a name or they were confused by choosing a name so we assign one in those cases.


Blockquote Are you talking about the Wooterxxxxxxx names? We found that some people didn’t want to choose a name or they were confused by choosing a name so we assign one in those cases.

Help me @ThunderThighs your my only hope! My username was assigned to me, but I’d like to change it to TheTacitTiger


I believe you can change it one time in YOUR ACCOUNT on Once you do that, you probably need to log out and back in for it to work in the forums. If that doesn’t work, holler and I’ll do more research.


I can’t seem to get the Quote feature to work. I highlight the text in a post and click on the “Quote pop up, but can’t get that text into a message. What am I missing?


I do not know.


A partial quote, for science.


Bill Nye probably has some good partial quotes.