Is this for real Woot? This Blood Pressure Monitor (which has no real US-based office and no US-based support) was literally just kicked off of Amazon for brand infringement and black hat practices (fake reviews), etc.
Now you’re going to liquidate this to customers? Blood pressure monitors is pretty sensitive stuff. This is pretty crappy… And this is coming from a Woot fanatic.
This should be taken down.
Try to find Lazle on Amazon, they don’t even exist anymore. Just Chinese knock offs of the same model which get pulled off Amazon weekly as well.
If it works fine and has a big cuff I could actually make use of one of these. Business practices aside, if the unit functions correctly, it’s a BP monitor for $22, they definitely shouldn’t just be destroyed.
here’s the product on Amazon:
That’s the same model, with all branding removed. Because of infringement, amongst tons of other issues.
On fakespot they are a D: Fakespot | 2019 Latest Blood Pressure Monitor P... Fake Review
They are also not approved or listed on ValidateBP which is an American Heart Association panel.
I work in the health industry. We’ve tried to get this product removed from the US completely. There is literally no US-based office. Very difficult.
Sorry but the sonic ad really made it kinda funny to me talking about blood pressure machine
They might want to fire their digital advertising guy!
Charge your phone, heathen.
So, should I buy this or not? I need a new BP monitor.
I would not use FakeSpot to determine the legitimacy of a product. This item is only $23, was recently on sale for $20 on Amazon, now back to $34. Product ratings are high. Give it a try.
It doesn’t seem to have an app or bluetooth, so any data will need to be harvested manually for record keeping. Add fly by night company to the list and I think I’ll pass. I’d rather pay more for something with all the features I want.
I think it stores previous readings within the actual device. To be honest, I’d prefer not to have an app or need Bluetooth. Especially with the nature of these devices, a lot of… non tech savvy folks would be using it. I can understand the generic’ness holding someone back, though
Is it actually infringement when a company is buying them from the very same supplier? The reason why some products look the same (especially between “off brands”) is because they are exactly the same product – and only the seller’s “brand” is different.
Several years back in the automotive world, Snap-On sued Harbor Freight over infringement on floor jack and jack stand designs – only to be kicked out of court because there was no infringement. Both sourced their product from the very same factory in China, just with a different paint job and labels.
One retailed it at 3-4x the price of the other, however.
(Note that I am not staff. I just volunteer to help out on the forums.)
Interesting video, thanks for that.
I want a machine as I’m trying to monitor and track my blood pressure, but the warnings make me wary. If anyone has a good suggestion, I’m all ears and arteries.
You’re correct, and I’m well aware of that. I’m specifically referring to the fact that the logo and brand name were removed from all of their products because of a trademark case brought against them.
Of course, it really doesn’t matter. As this product is made by a Chinese ghost company that doesn’t exist and holds no US presence. They have a virtual PO box essentially in Wyoming, and no one listed as real registered agents. You can see the entire black hole here:
Additionally, Woot posted the product with a bullet that says: " TOP BRAND RECOMMENDATION BY DOCTORS & PHARMACISTS" - which is unsubstantiated, absurd, and frankly false advertising.
As someone who works in health, vital monitors are nothing to mess around with. If you want a REAL BPM, buy something assessed, tested & approved off of Validate BP:
I stand by my comment that Woot was careless posting this product.
I’m like 130/90 just looking at that battery %
For the record, all is pulled right off the listing from the mothership.
(Other points taken; I will refrain from delving deeper into this now and return to the usual posting of a cat gif for no reason whatsoever.)
Given this IS arguably the same device STILL being listed, but at, say, half the price, it perhaps makes sense to buy. I agree with others commenting “no app needed = Good”, since in more than a few cases I’ve bought stuff where the APP did NOT pass safety-screening or had existing flags for known risk-ware (very difficult to return something when the device is harmless but the enabling app will compromise your security). I have an old android phone (with seriously-constrained Wifi and no network SIM) that I use for this stuff - let them all talk amongst themselves, echoing in that “barrel of silence”. Which only works, of course, until an app has its own embedded wifi stack (semi-difficult to capture)…
Cat always wins.