LifeSign SpermCheck Fertility Test

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

LifeSign SpermCheck Fertility Test
$14.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Wow, really?
Oh and:

(I’m not counting Wootalyzer)

NOOOoooooo I wanted one of these for a gag gift.


In for none.

Well this is awkward…


Would be useful to check if my vasectomy is still working.

Is This refurbished?

Glad it’s not a refurb!

Guess they are re-selling the RMAs from last time :wink:

Enjoy it, the three of you who bought one!

And…it’s over…way too soon.

Story of my life…

What the Heck woot?

Well… I Never thought I would see this…

Probably should not have the word “used” prominently in the description for this type of device… just sayin…

3 people really jumped on this offer. I guess they just need a scientific-looking excuse for what they do in their private time.

In the vein of some stoopid Woot posters…is this SpermCheck kit female compatible?

I see why this came after the oven mitts.

Actually, only 2 people jumped on this offer. One guy got one and another got 2.