Little Giant 19’ M-22 Ladder System

Love my Little Giant. I’m not large, and it is easy to carry and set up. Very sturdy.

Getting one as a Father’s Day gift for dad. :slight_smile:

Its not a Texas thing, it is an Amazon thing. Woot is now owned by Amazon and has to collect tax everywhere that Amazon has to collect tax.

Interesting claim in the video: that the 300lb weight limit (for the ‘classic’ ladder) actually applies to each side, simultaneously!

I would think the average definition of “fatty” is more dramatic than simply being 220; more like someone who signs up for the Biggest Loser show, has a problem fitting into a single seat on an airline, etc. For myself at 6’1" and 240, nobody is going to point at me and say “wow - take a look at that fatty” (and believe me, my friends would have no problem saying that to my face).

Good work dropping 90, by the way.

The accessories for these ladders are awesome. Have the work platforms for standing and reaching, the leg leveler for uneven ground, the rollers for moving the ladder around, the utility platform for holding tools and the like, and the wing span for working around windows. I was able to use the 23’ version of this ladder to change out a chandelier in my two-story foyer. It is very sturdy, and very durable. I would recommend the Little Giant to anyone searching for a ladder that will last a lifetime.

Triple A rated ladders rated up to 300 pounds will give you more shake than a 22’ little giant when both are all the way extended and even then the shake you get (from either ladder) isn’t anything to worry about. You won’t find any A frames that are as solid as a little giant, even with the legs all the way out.

Hehe, wide stance, a la Sen. Craig.

I have a 26 foot 300 pound rated Little Giant. I have used it on sloping roofs (with the leg jack attachment), stairs, as a very tall step ladder and as an extension ladder. I weigh about 225 and I feel completely safe on this ladder. It is heavy. I sometimes stand on a lighter extension ladder to lift the Little Giant extensions and put in the pins when I fully extend them. If I was going to buy it again, I would buy the 200 pound rated model - they probably have a 1.5 safety factor built in to the design…

The Supremes explain how to use today’s item:


My fire department has one of these. It will hold me in full gear (maybe 240lbs) plus whatever tools I’m carrying no prob.

I want to see you walk up a ladder with 100 lbs of shingles on your shoulder

If you’re “not so sure” about every item that some num-nuts has complained about on the internet - one thing is certain - you’ll never buy another thing - anything - ever again.

Take a look at EVERYTHING out there on the 'net, its overwhelmingly positive about these. Really - you can find a negative internet rant about EVERYTHING, guaranteed.

I bought this one from Walmart a few years ago.

It’s rated at 300lbs. and is very solid. I am very pleased. I would buy it all over again if I had to.

I bought one a couple of years ago and it is awesome. I’ve used it as a fully extended extension ladder at 270lbs without any trouble.

There were some goons on Youtube a few years ago showing the “dangers” of the Little Giant. The would set it up on icy ground and bounce on it until if fell. Idiots.

We have a 10 or 11 foot Little Giant. My only complaint regarding it is that I didn’t buy a taller one.

What the…$200?..for a ladder?

I got my LG from Woot about 2 years ago and have been very happy. It is extremely sturdy, well made and safe. The only downside is that it is heavy, and for quick jobs I still find myself grabbing the old wooden step ladder just for easy of hauling it out and setting it up.

I’m still very glad I have the LG. For serious projects it’s unbeatable.

Best, most versitile ladder ever! My hubby bought this on a past woot. Can handle much more weight than it says. We bought it bacause my father loved his (largest model) and he is a hard sell. The assesories for the ladder are just as impressive. Totally recommend it!.

I own a number of Little Giant ladders & accessories for years. M-19, 4 step ladder, scaffolding, leg levelers, kick out step, etc. The positives are: The best of these types. Don’t compare this to the Werner’s, etc, as they are a piece of crap in comparison. I WANT TO KNOW IF THIS WOOT COMES WITH THE WHEELS? (PICTURE DOES NOT SHOW IT). Cons: These ladders will Rust. It happened to me (mainly the rivots rusted thru.) I took this up with Little Giant (Wing Enterprises)They were not nice about it at all. I worked my way up to the Boss. They didn’t want to do anything about it. I then threatened him saying that if they would not take care of this, I would show up at their show in Timonium, Maryland (at the State Fair). I told them I would show up at the show and set up my 2 rusting Little Giants right in front of their display and tell everyone about these problems! Suddenly, they had a change of heart. I had to ship them back to them in Utah. After considerable time, they finally agreed to repair the M 19, and replace the 4 step ladder. It’s a shame that I had to go to these lengths to get results. When I say I’m going to do something,I will follow thru & do it. I think they were afraid that I would show up and ruin their show. You better believe I would have done it.