LivSure Water Tester

Yes in for 1, GF thinks their might be mold in her water and the landlord refuses to test.

Do you transmit electricity?
Or conduct?

This is kinda pointless…
It just sees how salty your water is.

In NO way should you use this as a serious tool to measure the quality of water.
The only real use this would have would be to test if your Brita filter needs replacing, but with the horrible accuracy (+/- 30 % once you hit 500 ppm), you won’t really learn much.

The thing just measures how much current flows between the 2 contacts (more dissolved solids = better current flow), and calculates a number based on the known volume of water (fill it up to the line VERY carefully, a slight error will totally throw off your readings).

Looks like a cool gadget, but I can find a better use for $10.

I was just about to jump in on this one for my Aquarium. . .

Anyone else notice the "Battery: Lifetime , AAA (included) " on the webpage URL posted earlier??? (

Would “Lifetime” in this case translate to “Not user replaceable”?

Does this mean once those two little batteries die, our fun is over???


Oh please. I don’t like Mexico much at all, but you can get bad water anywhere. Most touristy areas in Mexico use reverse osmosis trains to make their water. Reverse osmosis is pretty much the purest water you can get. Most bottled water isn’t that clean.
Where do you think the water in the beer came from?

I had one of these and stopped using it because it said my water was pregnant.

I think drinking too much boiled water has a bad effect on one’s grammar…

Might buy this just for the shipping box…not sure what to get the GF for her bday…but I figured if I got a shipping container, I could just cut a hole in that box {omitted in order to avoid deletion}

Gotta love the accuracy of this thing…

Testing Range … Accuracy … Resolution:
0~100 … ±3% … 1ppm
101~200… ±10% … 10ppm
201~500… ±15% … 10ppm
501~999… ±30% … 10ppm

(from: is for sale | HugeDomains)

TDS= Total Dissolved Solids
There are two ways of measuring it.
In the first:
weigh empty container
add a known volume of test water
evaporate to dryness
weigh again
That gives you the mass of dissolved solids per unit volume.
That’s how TDS is defined.

Here you use electical conductivity as a proxy for that.
If you know that you’re dealing with dissolved minerals that gets you there - to an approximation.

So this does not measure turbidity (cloudiness) caused by particulates or toxins (from algae) or fatty substances like hormones or even alcohol.

What it gives is a palatibility measure (the tongue-tip test is a good proxy for that) - stuff like agricultural fertilizer, salt, battery acid, bicarb… Like you couldn’t tell?

As a scientists ???

I doubt that it test chemical or bacteria stuff ???

you are more than one Scientist ? also you doubt that it tests Bacteria when it clearly states it tests desolved solids . what kind of Scientist are you anyway ?

so, if I test my water, and it is found to contain pharmaceutical waste and prescription drug residue, would the icon be happy or sad?

Completely worthless…

If you’re not sure about water; BOIL IT, before you drink it!

Seems to me that you suffer from a multiple personality disorder…

Why should we believe your assessment?

Depends on if the residue is Heroin or Xanax

That product description cracked me up. “An indian puking his guts out under a waterfall”

That is true comedy gold.

Chemists represent! :wink: I came in here to say this.^^^^^
After running tens of thousands of TDS (as well as TSS, conductivity, turbidity, free Cl, hex-chrome, etc.) tests as an environmental water/wastewater chemist, I can tell you: This thing is carp. It’s just a way to sell more filters.

Sorry, Woot, this one’s a loser.

Oh, and I’m guessing this is a joke:

but if not, you DO realize that DI will leach the calcium and other minerals from your teeth, right? You know: water, the universal solvent? Without the ions that naturally occur, it’s a bit less safe to drink. :wink:

I could get the same readings as this thing with a flashlight and a clear drinking glass.

“As a scientists, I can tell you this carp doesn’t work.
There are 3 things that can kill you, physical, chemical and biological.
Okay, 4 things, add nuclear (radiation stuff)
This tester may test the physical stuff that’s not good for you such as salts, minerals but I doubt that it test chemical or bacteria stuff.”

Exactly how many Scientists ARE you, and - although this is a water purity tester, it tests for more than just carp. There are many types of fish out there, my friend, don’t be so limited!

Finally, as W will tell you, it’s “Nucular,” my friend. That’s my final answer.